1. ಕಗ್ಗೊರಲೆ

    ♪ kaggoṛale
    1. the plant Ocimum sanctum of Lamiaceae family.
    2. the plant Ocimum canum of Lamiaceae family.
    3. the plant Ocimum gratissimum of Lamiaceae family.
    4. the plant, Oxalis corniculata (= O. pusilla, = Xanthoxalis corniculata) of Oxalidaceae family, with small, trifoliate leaves and white flowers streaked with purple; wood-sorrel.
  2. ಕಗ್ಗೊರ್ಲೆ

    ♪ kaggorle
    1. = ಕಗ್ಗೊರಲೆ.
  3. ಕಗ್ಗೊಱಲೆ

    ♪ kaggoṛale
    1. = ಕಗ್ಗೊರಲೆ.