1. ಕಕ್ಷ್ಯೆ

    ♪ kakṣye
    1. a band put around the belly of an elephant or horse for holding a saddle, pack, etc.; the girth.
    2. a space enclosed by walls (within a large house).
    3. the point, line or edge where something ends or must end; boundary or border beyond which something ceases to be or to be possible.
  2. ಕೌಕ್ಷೇಯ

    ♪ kaukṣēya
    1. of, in, relating to or near the stomach.
  3. ಕೌಕ್ಷೇಯ

    ♪ kaukṣēya
    1. a sword inserted in to a sheath.