1. ಕಕ್ಕೆಕೂಳು

    ♪ kakkekūḷu
    1. food that is unfit for (human) consumption.
  2. ಕಾಗೆಗೊಳ್ಳಿ

    ♪ kāgegoḷḷi
    1. a kind of fish.
  3. ಕಿಗ್ಗಳ

    ♪ kiggaḷa
    1. = ಕಿಗ್ಗುಳ1.
  4. ಕಿಗ್ಗಳ

    ♪ kiggaḷa
    1. = ಕಿಗ್ಗುಳ2.
  5. ಕಿಗ್ಗುಳ

    ♪ kigguḷa
    1. of low in height or level.
    2. of low value, importance; of slight consequence.
  6. ಕಿಗ್ಗುಳ

    ♪ kigguḷa
    1. lower region.
    2. the quality of being low, mean, base; a matter of slight consequence.
  7. ಗಾಗುಗಳ್ಳ

    ♪ gāhugaḷḷa
    1. a seasoned cheat.
  8. ಗುಗ್ಗಳ

    ♪ guggaḷa
    1. = ಗುಗ್ಗುಳ.
  9. ಗುಗ್ಗಿಳ

    ♪ guggiḷa
    1. = ಗುಗ್ಗುಳ.
  10. ಗುಗ್ಗುಳ

    ♪ gugguḷa
    1. the tree Ailanthus malabarica of Simaroubaceae family.
    2. its resin, used as incense.
    3. (vīr.) a service of carrying this resin to a deity.
    4. the tree Agathis australis of Araucariaceae family.
    5. its resin.
    6. the tree Boswellia glabra of Burseraceae family; Indian olibanum.
    7. a gum resin obtained from this, used in perfumes and as incense; olibanum.
    8. the tree Commiphora mukul, ( = Balsamodendrum mukul) of Burseraceae family; bdellium tree.
    9. a myrrh-like gum resin of this tree.
    10. another tree of the same family Commiphora agallocha ( = Balsamodendrum roxburghii.
    11. its resin used as incense.
    12. the tree Dipterocarpus indicus ( = D. turbinatus) of Dipterocarpaceae family.
    13. the tree Moringa oleifera ( = M. pterygosperma, = Hyperanthera moringa) of Moringaceae family; the drum-stick tree.
    14. its slender, long fruit, used as vegetable.
  11. ಗುಗ್ಗುಳು

    ♪ gugguḷu
    1. = ಗುಗ್ಗುಳ.