1. ಕಕ್ಕಂಬು

    ♪ kakkambu
    1. an arrow having several thorn-like metal projections at the end.
  2. ಕಾಕಂಬಿ

    ♪ kākambi
    1. the drainings of jaggery or crude sugar; treacle; molasses.
  3. ಕುಕಂಬಿ

    ♪ kukambi
    1. a tall spar or, now often, a hollow metal structure, sometimes in sections, rising vertically from the keel or deck of a vessel and used to support the sails, yards, radar and radio equipment, etc.; the mast of a vessel.
  4. ಕುಕ್ಕೊಂಬು

    ♪ kukkombu
    1. a tall spar or, now often, a hollow metal structure, sometimes in sections, rising vertically from the keel or deck of a vessel and used to support the sails, yards, radar and radio equipment, etc. ; the mast of a vessel.
  5. ಕೂಕಂಬ

    ♪ kūkamba
    1. a tall spar or, now often, a hollow metal structure, sometimes in sections, rising vertically from the keel or deck of a vessel and used to support the sails, yards, radar and radio equipment, etc. ; the mast of a vessel.
  6. ಕೂಕಂಭ

    ♪ kūkambha
    1. = ಕೂಕಂಬ.
  7. ಕೂಕುಂಬ

    ♪ kūkumba
    1. = ಕೂಕಂಬ.
  8. ಕೂಕುಂಬಿ

    ♪ kūkumbi
    1. = ಕೂಕಂಬ.
  9. ಕೈಕಂಬಿ

    ♪ kaikambi
    1. a stick or rod (as the one used by policemen in controlling the mob).
  10. ಕೈಗಂಬ

    ♪ kaigamba
    1. a post, on the roadside, esp. at cross roads, carrying a board giving direction for different destinations; a hand-post.
    2. a steel pole with a hand that turns up and down, beside a railway track, used in conveying signals to the train-drivers.
    3. (fig.) a person or thing that guides or directs.
  11. ಕೈಗಂಬಿ

    ♪ kaigambi
    1. a stick or rod (as the one used by policemen in controlling the mob).
  12. ಕೈಗೊಂಬೆ

    ♪ kaigombe
    1. a figure of a human, animal, etc., made to move for entertainment; a small puppet.
    2. (fig.) person, usu. one in a prominent position, whose actions appear to be his or her own, but are actually controlled by another; a puppet; a caṭs paw.
    3. ಕೈಗೊಂಬೆಯಾಗಿಸಿಕೊ kaigombeyāgisiko to have a person under one's control; to have someone on a string.