1. ಕಕಂಟಕ

    ♪ kakaṇṭaka
    1. the lizard Calotes veriscolar (family Chamaeleontidae) with an angular head, prehensile tail, eyes that move independently of each other, the ability to change skin color rapidly, and a long, agile tongue for catching prey; common chameleon; the garden lizard.
  2. ಕಕೋಂಟಕಿ

    ♪ kakōṇṭaki
    1. the vine, Momordica dioica of Cucurbitaceae family.
    2. its gourd; small bitter gourd.
  3. ಕೈಗುಂಡಿಗೆ

    ♪ kaiguṇḍige
    1. a small water vessel with a snout and a handle, usu. carried by ascetics.
  4. ಗೋಕಂಟಕ

    ♪ gōkaṇṭaka
    1. the thorny plant Tribulus terrestris of Zygophyllaceae family.
    2. the plant Hygrophila auriculata ( = H. spinosa, = Asteracantha longifolia) of Acanthaceae family.