1. ಕಂಡಿ

    ♪ kaṇḍi
    1. an old measure of weight (which was varying from place to place).
    2. an extent of agricultural land that requires one kaṇḍi (ಕಂಡಿ2 -sense 1) for being sown.
    3. an area (of land) equal to ten thousand squares of one hundred ft. each (totally 10,00,000 sq ft.).
  2. ಕಂಡಿ

    ♪ kaṇḍi
    1. an opening in or through anything; a break; a gap; a hole; an aperture.
    2. something unexplained, unknown or kept secret; mystery.
    3. the usu. path wild animals use to cross over from one forest to another.
    4. a path (usu. a secret one).
    5. ಕಂಡಿಮಾಡು kaṇḍimāḍu to make a hole in or into.
  3. ಖಂಡಿ

    ♪ khaṇḍi
    1. an opening in or through anything; a break; a gap; a hole; an aperture.
    2. something unexplained, unknown or kept secret; mystery.
    3. a path wild animals use to cross over from one forest to another.
    4. a path (usu. a secret one); ಖಂಡಿಯೋಗು k haṇḍiyōgu to be made a hole on or in; to be pierced, stabbed; to have a hole or holes; to become porous.
  4. ಖಂಡಿ

    ♪ khaṇḍi
    1. an old measure of weight (which was varying from place to place).
    2. an extent of agricultural land that requires this quantity of seeds for being sown.
    3. an area (of land) equal to ten thousand squares of one hundred sq. ft each (totally 10,00,000 sq ft.).
  5. ಕಂಟಿ

    ♪ kaṇṭi
    1. a string (usu. with black glass beads) worn round the neck as an ornament; a necklace.
  6. ಕಂಟಿ

    ♪ kaṇṭi
    1. a thorny plant having many stems branching out low instead of one main stem or trunk; a thorny shrub.
    2. a group of trees or other plants.
    3. the tree Acacia catechu var. typica of Mimosae family.
    4. a kind weapon having horn-like metal projections.
    5. a village servant whose duty is to regulate and manage water supply to the irrigated lands.
    6. (fig.) molestation; vexation; annoyance.
  7. ಗಂಟಿ

    ♪ gaṇṭi
    1. a hole made in the lobe of the ear (for wearing ornaments).
    2. a kind of ear-ornament.
  8. ಖಾಂಡಿ

    ♪ khāṇḍi
    1. a device, usu. made of a flexible metal strip or wood with both the ends tied with a string as to make it an arch,used for shooting arrows; a bow.
  9. ಖಂಡಿ

    ♪ khaṇḍi
    1. any man or boy lacking normal function of the testes, as through castration or disease; an eunuch.
  10. ಗಂಡಿ

    ♪ gaṇḍi
    1. the lower, strong portion of the main stem of a tree.
  11. ಗಂಡಿ

    ♪ gaṇḍi
    1. a narrow, hollow or hollowed out place; a breaking or being broken; a narrow, but long gap; a hole; a breach; an orifice.
    2. a hollow place in a hillside, extending back horizontally; a cave.
  12. ಕಂಠಿ

    ♪ kaṇṭhi
    1. that part of a human or animal joining the head to the body; the neck.
    2. the front part of the neck.
    3. the upper part of the passage leading from the mouth and nose to the stomach and lungs; the throat.
    4. a necklace; an ornament for the neck.
    5. a rope round the neck of a horse.
  13. ಕಂಠಿ

    ♪ kaṇṭhi
    1. the tree Acacia catechu var. typica of Mimoseae family.
    2. the leguminous twining shrub Clitoria ternatea of Papilionaceae family with blue flowers, the root of which is used as a dieretic and demulcent; butterfly-pea.
  14. ಕಂಟಿ

    ♪ kaṇṭi
    1. having (many) thorns.
  15. ಗಂಟಿ

    ♪ gaṇṭi
    1. (collectively) farm animals as domesticated oxen, cows, bulls, etc.; cattle; livestock.
  16. ಕಂಠ

    ♪ kaṇṭha
    1. that part of a human or animal joining the head to the body; the neck.
    2. the front part of the neck.
    3. the upper part of the passage leading from the mouth and nose to the stomach and lungs; the throat.
    4. a narrow part between the top portion or mouth and the body or base, of a vessel.
    5. sound made through the mouth by human beings in singing, talking etc.; voice.
    6. the whole physical structure of human beings or animals; the body.
    7. the state or quality of being near; nearness in space; proximity.
    8. a stretch of rising land at the edge of a body of water, as on either sides of a river, all the sides of a lake, pond, etc.
    9. an ancient writing implement, a small metal rod with a pointed end for scratching letters on palm leaves; the Indian style.
    10. ಕಂಠಚಾಮೀಕರ ನ್ಯಾಯ kaṇṭha cāmīkara nyāya the maxim of a person searching for the ornament which he is wearing around his neck; a looking for one's ass sitting on his back; ಕಂಠ ಬಿಗಿದುಬರು (one's throat) to get choked from emotions as joy, grief, etc.; to become strained with emotion; ಕಂಠಮಟ್ಟ ಕುಡಿದಿರು kaṇṭhamaṭṭa kuḍidiru to be very drunk; to be as drunk as a lord; ಕಂಠ ಶೋಷಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳು kaṇṭha śoṣisikoḷlu to speak, teach or advice in vain; ಕಂಠ ಶೋಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳು kaṇṭhaśosikoḷḷu = ಕಂಠ ಶೋಷಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳು.
  17. ಗಂಟ

    ♪ gaṇṭa
      independent clause
    1. on or beside the length of; over or throughout the length of; along.
    2. up to the place, point, degree of; till.
    3. up to the time of; till (a specified time or occurrence); until.
  18. ಕಂಟ

    ♪ kaṇṭa
    1. an ancient writing implement, a small metal rod with a pointed end for scratching letters on palm leaves; the Indian style.
    2. that portion of a vessel above its neck.
  19. ಕಂಟ

    ♪ kaṇṭa
    1. a male cat; a tom-cat.
  20. ಕಾಂಡ

    ♪ kāṇḍa
    1. the main upward-growing axis of a plant, having nodes and bearing leaves, usu. extending in a direction opposite to that of the root and above the ground, and serving to support the plant and to transport and store food materials, esp. the main stalk or trunk of a tree, shrub or other plant, from which leaves, flowers, and fruit develop; a stem.
    2. a slender, pointed missile shot from a bow; an arrow.
    3. any of the main divisions of a book or other writing; a chapter.
    4. a group of people, animal gathered at a place; a multitude.
    5. a good or right occasion; an opportunity.
    6. right or superior knowledge.
    7. water.
    8. the apparent blue canopy on our heads; the sky.
    9. praise; flattery.
    10. blame; censure.
    11. a cover; a veil; a screen.
    12. a mingling with others; a meeting.
    13. speed; quickness.
    14. a horse.
    15. a group of mean, wicked persons.
    16. a despicable, contemptible thing.
    17. the tree Terminalia catapa of Combretaceae family; Indian almond; country almond.
    18. the long bone of the arm or leg.
    19. the slender, jointed, usu. flexible stem of any of certain plants, as bamboo or rattan; a cane.
    20. a stick; a staff.
    21. a private place.
    22. an old measure of quantity.