1. ಕಂಜವೈರಿ

    ♪ kanjavairi
    1. the moon, as an enemy of or a person disliked by, lotus.
  2. ಕಾಂಜಿವಾರ

    ♪ kānjivāra
    1. the tree Strychnos nux-vomica of Loganiaceae family and its poisonous nut containing strychnine, brucine and other alkaloids; nux-vomica.
  3. ಕೆಂಜ್ವರ

    ♪ kenjvara
    1. an acute contagious disease, esp. of children, caused by hemolytic streptococci and characterised by sore throat, fever, and a scarlet rash; scarlet fever.