1. ಓರೈಸು

    ♪ ōraisu
    1. = ಓರೆಯಿಸು.
  2. ಔರಸ

    ♪ aurasa
    1. of, related to, belonging to, bearing in the, breast.
    2. (law) conceived or born of parents legally married to each other; legitimate.
  3. ಔರಸ

    ♪ aurasa
    1. = ಔರಸಪುತ್ರ.
  4. ಒರಸು

    ♪ orasu
    1. to rub gently; to move one's hand, a cloth, etc. over (a surface or object) with pressure and friction, in a circular or back-and-forth motion.
    2. to move (a thing) against something else or move (things) over each other with pressure and friction.
    3. to remove by rubbing; to rub out; to erase; to wipe out; to obliterate.
    4. to smear - a) to cover, daub or soil with something greasy, sticky or dirty; b) to apply or daub (something greasy, sticky or dirty) so as to leave a coating, mark, etc.; c) to make an unwanted mark or streak on by rubbing.
    5. to touch gently.
    6. ಒರಸಿಕೊಳ್ orasikoḷ to smear, anoint or rub (some thing oily, greasy etc.) on to one's own body; 2. to get anointed, smeared by another; 3. to touch gently.
  5. ಒರಸು

    ♪ orasu
    1. the act of rubbing one object against another; a scraping or rubbing off; abrasion.
    2. an annoying or being annoyed; annoyance.
    3. ill-temper anger; rage; fury; passion.
    4. ಒರಸೊರಸು orasorasu dupl. of ಒರಸು2.
  6. ಒರಸೆ

    ♪ orase
    1. a row - a) a number of people or things arranged so as to form a line, esp. a straight line; b) any of a series of such horizontal lines in parallel, as of seats in a theatre or airplane, corn in a field, etc.; c) any of a series of layers, strata, one above the other, (as of a segment of a wall of a particular height).
    2. the right, duty or opportunity to do something, esp. as coming to each of a number of people in regular order (as one of the shifts of fixed duration for working in a factory, etc.).
    3. the way a person behaves or acts; conduct; manners.
    4. the way in which anything is made or done; a style.
    5. any manner in which fighting is conducted using swords, long sticks, etc.
    6. two similar or corresponding things joined, associated or used together; a pair.
    7. connection of persons by blood, marriage, etc.; kinship; relation.
    8. a musical treatment of a song.