a pile, mass or mound of things jumbled together; a collection of things thrown one on another; a heap.
a number of objects arranged in a usu. straight line; a row.
order - a) the arrangement or sequence of objects or of events in time listed the items in order of importance; b) a sequential arrangement of mathematical elements c) a fixed or definite plan; system; d) a state or condition in which everything is in its right place and functioning properly.
the organ of hearing; the ear.
a woven fabric of fibrous material, as cotton, wool, silk, hair, synthetic fibers, etc.; cloth.
a piece of cloth bearing a design, motto, slogan, etc., attached to a staff and used as a standard; a banner.
a wretched man.
an instrument or device of any kind used to injure or kill another or defending oneself as in fighting or hunting; a weapon.
a loose long unsewn cloth used as a cover for shoulders.
a master; lord.
a narrow way between buildings, hedges, walls, etc.; a lane.
a small, narrow channel for irrigation.