1. ಒದ್ದೆಡೆ

    ♪ oddeḍe
    1. a kind of medicinal plant.
  2. ಒದ್ದಾಟ

    ♪ oddāṭa
    1. the act or an instance of kicking mutually.
    2. (fig.) violent exertion; restless activity; struggling; a struggle.
    3. a moving, shaking of limbs in pain, agony, etc.
  3. ಒದ್ದಾಡು

    ♪ oddāḍu
    1. to kick mutually.
    2. (fig.) to make great efforts or attempts; to strive; to struggle.
    3. (fig.) to make one's way with difficulty.
    4. (fig.) to undergo or suffer unbearable pain.