1. ಏರ್ತೆ

    ♪ ērte
    1. a tidal wave rushing with great violence toward the shore; a bore.
  2. ಎರ್ದೆ

    ♪ erde
    1. the chest - a) that part of the mammalian body between the neck and the abdomen in whose cavity the heart and lungs lie; b) the middle of the three chief divisions of the body of an insect or the corresponding part of a crustacean or an arachnid; c) the fore or ventral part of the body between the neck and the abdomen in humans.
    2. the pair of mammary glands extending from the chest in adult human females; the female breasts.
    3. the heart, the organ that maintains blood circulation system.
    4. one's feelings or sentiments.
    5. courage; bravery; manly spirit; self-confidence.
    6. ಎರ್ದೆಯನ್ನಳ್ erdeyannaḷ= ಎರ್ದೆಯನ್ನೆ; ಎರ್ದೆಯನ್ನೆ erdeyanne a woman with whom a man is in love and by whom he is loved; a lover or mistress; a sweetheart.
  3. ಎರೆತ

    ♪ ereta
    1. the act of pouring some liquid in a continuous stream.
    2. the act or an instance of bathing.
  4. ಎರೆತ

    ♪ ereta
    1. the nutritious food for cattle; nourishing cattle-feed.
  5. ಎರ್ತು

    ♪ ertu
    1. a castrated domesticated bull (Bos taurus); an ox.
  6. ಎರೆತ

    ♪ ereta
    1. the act of begging or demand for (something).
    2. the thing so demanded or begged.
  7. ಎರತಿ

    ♪ erati
    1. (dial.) the mistress of a house; a woman who rules or has control over, others.
  8. ಎಱತಿ

    ♪ eṛati
    1. a mistress - a) a woman who has ownership, authority or power; b) a woman in relation to her employees; c) a woman who is the head of a household.
    2. a woman in relation to the man whom she has married to; a wife.