1. ಏಟಿ

    ♪ ēṭi
    1. (col.) the sectarian mark drawn vertically on the forehead.
  2. ಎಡಿ

    ♪ eḍi
    1. (dial.) to be possible.
  3. ಏಡಿ

    ♪ ēḍi
    1. any of numerous decapod crustaceans of the section Brachyura, with flattish shell, short and broad abdomen, and which have the first of the five pair of legs modified into pincers and can move in any direction, including sideways and backwards; a crab.
  4. ಏಡ

    ♪ ēḍa
    1. a man who is totally or partially unable to hear; a deaf man.
    2. an undomesticated sheep; a wild-sheep.
  5. ಎಡ

    ♪ eḍa
    1. left - a) designating or of that side of one's body which is toward the west when one faces north, the side of the less-used hand in most people; b) designating or of the corresponding side of anything.
    2. closer to the left side of a person directly before and facing the thing mentioned or understood.
    3. of the political left; liberal or radical.
    4. lower in quality; inferior.
  6. ಎಡ

    ♪ eḍa
    1. a direction or location on the left side; the left.
    2. ಎಡಕಿಕ್ಕು eḍakikku to pass by (the right side), letting a thing on to one's left.
  7. ಎಡ

    ♪ eḍa
    1. any animal in the early period of its life; a young (of an animal).
  8. ಎಟ್ಟಿಸು

    ♪ etṭisu
    1. = ಎಟಕಿಸು.
  9. ಎಟ್ಟು

    ♪ etṭu
    1. (something) to be reached; to be within one's reach.
    2. to reach (something that is placed above).
  10. ಎಟ್ಟು

    ♪ etṭu
    1. a blow; a stroke.
    2. a kind of game played with dice.
  11. ಎಟ್ಟು

    ♪ etṭu
    1. how much.
  12. ಎಟ್ಟು

    ♪ etṭu
    1. how much quantity.
  13. ಎಡಸು

    ♪ eḍasu
    1. (dial.) the act or an instance of giving trouble; the condition of being troubled; vexation; irritation; worrisomeness.
  14. ಎಡು

    ♪ eḍu
    1. any of various relatively large rodents having stiff sharp erectile bristles mingled with the hair and constituting a terrestrial family (Hystricidae) and a arboreal family (Erethizontidae); porcupine.
  15. ಎಡೆ

    ♪ eḍe
    1. to be possible.
  16. ಎಡೆ

    ♪ eḍe
    1. a place; room; space.
    2. a particular point or a small area; a spot.
    3. a space in between (two objects); the central portion.
    4. an opportunity; a favourable circumstance; a fit time.
    5. a very short period of time; a moment.
    6. that which is equal or the quality, fact of being equal; equality.
    7. nearness; proximity.
    8. ಎಡೆಕೊಡು eḍekoḍu to provide an opportunity; to give room for; ಎಡೆಯಾಗು eḍeyāgu (an opportunity, favourable circumstances) to be made or become available; ಎಡೆಯಾಡು eḍeyāḍu to walk around, wander very close to another; ಎಡೆಯುಡುಗು eḍeyuḍugu to cut off; to interrupt; ಎಡೆಯೆಡೆ eḍeyeḍe here and there.
  17. ಎಡೆ

    ♪ eḍe
    1. a meal or food that is offered to a deity or a person (as a religious service).
    2. a meal, food, in gen.
    3. a dining plate or leaf (as of plantain etc.).
    4. ಎಡೆಮಾಡು eḍemāḍu to offer food (to a god or a religious man).
  18. ಎಡೆ

    ♪ eḍe
    1. a thing that is made inferior by adding less valuable, cheap substance; an adulterated substance; the quality of being inferior.
  19. ಎಡೆ

    ♪ eḍe
    1. in a special manner; to a marked degree; specially.
  20. ಏಟು

    ♪ ēṭu
    1. a blow with a weapon, implement or hand; the impact made on the body by an object fallen on, dashed against; etc.
    2. any sudden misfortune, loss, calamity; a blow; a shock.
    3. ಏಟುತಿನ್ನು ēṭutinnu to sustain or receive a stroke; to be hit struck hard; 2. to have a sudden loss, misfortune, calamity, etc; ಏಟುಹಾಕು ēṭuhāku to strike; to blow; 2. to have in mind as a project or purpose; to plan; to plot; to scheme, ಒಂದೇ ಏಟಿಗೆ ondē ēṭige in a single unbroken movement or stroke; in a single effort; at one shot.