1. ಎೞ್ದೆ

    ♪ ełde
    1. the chest - a) that part of the mammalian body between the neck and the abdomen in whose cavity the heart and lungs lie; b) the middle of the three chief divisions of the body of an insect or the corresponding part of a crustacean or an arachnid; c) the fore or ventral part of the body between the neck and the abdomen in humans.
    2. the pair of mammary glands extending from the chest in adult human females; the female breasts.
    3. one's feelings or sentiments.
    4. courage; bravery; manly spirit; self-confidence.
  2. ಎೞತೆ

    ♪ ełate
    1. the fact or an instance of (something) hanging, dangling.
  3. ಎೞ್ತು

    ♪ ełtu
    1. a castrated domesticated bull (Bos taurus); an ox.
    2. an adult bull (not castrated) either domesticated or not.
    3. a dull-witted man; a stupid man.
  4. ಎೞ್ತು

    ♪ ełtu
    1. a string of the warp of a cot.
  5. ಎೞ್ತು

    ♪ ełtu
    1. that which is written, as a document; a writing.