1. ಎೞ್ಚರಿಸು

    ♪ ełcaṛisu
    1. to cause to wake from or as from sleep.
    2. 2.to wake up; to evoke; to arouse, excite or stir up .
    3. to make another to be vigilant.
    4. to warn; to caution - a) to tell (a person) of a danger, coming evil, misfortune, etc.; to put on guard; b) to caution against specific faults; c) to inform or remind, by way of warning.
  2. ಎೞ್ಚಱ್

    ♪ ełcaṛ
    1. to come out of sleep or a state similar to sleep, stupor, trance etc.; to wake up.
    2. to become alert, vigilant or careful.
    3. to recover from unconsciousness, stupor, etc.
  3. ಎೞ್ಚಱ್

    ♪ ełcaṛ
    1. the state or fact of coming out of sleep, stupor, trance etc.; the state of being or staying awake.
    2. the state or quality of being alert, careful or vigilant.
  4. ಎೞ್ಚಱು

    ♪ ełcaṛu
    1. = ಎೞ್ಚಱ್1.
  5. ಎೞ್ಚಱು

    ♪ ełcaṛu
    1. = ಎೞ್ಚಱ್2.