1. ಎಕ್ಕತಾಳಿ

    ♪ ekkatāḷi
    1. a holding up to scorn or contempt; mocking; ridicule; mockery.
  2. ಏಕದಳ

    ♪ ēkadaḷa
    1. a single leaf, umbel, etc.
    2. the plant Centella asiatica ( = Hydrocotyle asiatica) of Umbelliferae family.
    3. a seed, corn, grain or cereal that cannot be split (unlike a pod, legume etc.).
    4. any flowering plant with a single cotyledon.
  3. ಏಕತಾಳ

    ♪ ēkatāḷa
    1. (mus.) harmonised union of song, dance and instrumental music.
    2. (mus.) a particular kind of cycle of time having only one unit per cycle (with or without sub units).
  4. ಎಕ್ಕತುಳ

    ♪ ekkatuḷa
    1. (one's) strength, ability or capacity that matches with that of another.
    2. great bravery; valour; boldness.
    3. a fight or wrestling between only two persons (not involving any one else on either side).
    4. acting or done rashly or with sudden energy.
  5. ಎಕ್ಕತೂಳ

    ♪ ekkatūḷa
    1. = ಎಕ್ಕತುಳ.
  6. ಎಕ್ಕದಾಳೆ

    ♪ ekkadāḷe
    1. the tree Bombax malabaricum ( = B. ceiba) of Bombacaceae family; red silk cotton tree.
  7. ಎಗತಾಳಿ

    ♪ egatāḷi
    1. the act of making someone or something the object of scornful laughter by joking, mocking, etc.; derision; ridicule.
  8. ಎಕ್ಕತಳ

    ♪ ekkataḷa
    1. a place agreed to meet at by two or more persons.
  9. ಎಕ್ಕತಾಳ

    ♪ ekkatāḷa
    1. an agreeable combination of sounds; harmony.
    2. one of the seven kinds of 'time-keeping' in music.