1. ಋಷಿ

    ♪ řṣi
    1. an inspired poet, sage or a singer of sacred hymns; a seer of the Vedic hymns.
    2. a sanctified sage, saint or ascetic.
    3. the most conspicuous of the northern constellations, situated between Lynx and Draco, and contains more than 50 visible stars, seven of which form the Big Dipper; Great Bear; Ursa major.
    4. a symbol for the number seven.
    5. ಋಷಿಗೆ ನೆಲವಿಲ್ಲ, ನದಿಗೆ ನೆಲೆಯಿಲ್ಲ řṣige nelavilla, nadige neleyilla (prov.) true human virtue must not be restricted to a small geographical territory.
  2. ರಾಶಿ

    ♪ rāśi
    1. a collection of objects or material piled up so as to form a high (usu. conical) mass.
    2. a gathering of a large number of people, animals, things, etc. at a place; a multitude; a crowd.
    3. much quantity.
    4. that which is of medium quality.
    5. (astrol.) any of the twelve mansions of the zodiac.
    6. (astron.) any of twelve imaginary belt in the heavens extending for about eight degrees on either side of the apparent path of the sun and including the paths of the moon and the principal planets (each named after a different constellation).
    7. a quantity used in mathematics as in adding, subtracting, dividing or multiplying.
  3. ಜನ್ಮ ರಾಶಿ

    ♪ janma rāśi
    1. the constellation to which a person belongs based on the natal star; zodiac.
  4. ದೇವ ಋಷಿ

    ♪ dēva řṣi
    1. a sage of highest rank.
    2. (myth.) Nārada, the celestial sage and messenger of the gods.
  5. ಋಷಿ ಋಣ

    ♪ řṣi řṇa
    1. one of the three general indebtedness that all persons owe, i.e. to one's the teachers or sanctified sages.
  6. ರೋಷ

    ♪ rōṣa
    1. anger; wrath; ire.
    2. ರೋಷಗೊಳ್ಳು rōṣagoḷḷu to become very angry; to be wrathful, furious.
  7. ರೋಷಿ

    ♪ rōṣi
    1. angered; enraged.
  8. ರಿಷಿ

    ♪ riṣi
    1. = ರಿಸಿ.
  9. ರುಷಿ

    ♪ ruṣi
    1. a sage who leads an ascetic life in pursuit of philosophical truth.
  10. ರುಷೆ

    ♪ ruṣe
    1. intense anger; ire; wrath.
  11. ರೇಷೆ

    ♪ rēṣe
    1. a thin, threadlike mark drawn on a plane from one point to another; a line.