1. ಊದರೆ

    ♪ ūdare
    1. = ಊದರ.
    2. ಊದರೆಯಿಡು ūdareyiḍu = ಊದರಹಾಕು.
  2. ಉದರೆ

    ♪ udare
    1. a sale or purchase made with the payment of which being deferred to a future date.
  3. ಉತ್ತರೆ

    ♪ uttare
    1. the twelfth lunar mansion consisting of two stars.
    2. the rain got or supposed to get during the period when the moon is closer to this mansion.
  4. ಉತ್ತರ

    ♪ uttara
    1. situated far above the ground or some other level.
    2. of good quality; of higher class.
    3. later to; following; subsequent.
    4. exceeding; excessive.
  5. ಉತ್ತರ

    ♪ uttara
    1. that which follows another; the subsequent, later chapter, part or portion.
    2. left portion, part or region.
    3. a consequence that follows an action; the result; the product.
    4. something said or written in return to a question, argument, letter, etc.; an answer; a reply.
    5. (law) the defendant's answer to a plaintiff's replication; a rejoinder.
    6. a man belonging to the northern parts of a country.
    7. the resultant joy or satisfaction (that follows an action).
    8. (rhet.) a figure of speech in which a thing is delineated in the form of questions and compact answers.
    9. a variety in kissing - a kissing by sucking the upper lip of the man intensely by a woman.
    10. prosperous condition; good fortune, wealth, success, etc; prosperity.
    11. a crossing over of a river, sea, etc.
    12. the direction to the right of a person facing the sunset; direction of the North Pole from any other point on the earth's surface; the north direction.
    13. (astrol.) the tenth house in the zodiac chart.
    14. a character in the epic Mahābhārata, who was known for chicken-heartedness.
    15. (dial.) the reproductive fluid containing spermatozoa secreted by the male organs; semen;
    16. ಉತ್ತರನ ಪೌರುಷ ಒಲೆಯ ಮುಂದೆ uttarana pauruṣa oleya munde (prov.) one who assumes himself a gallant hero without being really so, though boasts himself, runs away from the problem when faced actually; every dog is a lion at home; ಉತ್ತರ ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಧ್ರುವಗಳು uttara dakṣiṇa dhruvagaḷu (fig.) (pl.) two persons of exactly opposite qualities, taste, interest, etc. who can never mutually agree.
  6. ಉತ್ತರ

    ♪ uttara
    1. (dial.) a raised lining running at a height all round the inside of walls in buildings.
  7. ಊದರ

    ♪ ūdara
    1. the vaporous matter arising from something burning and made visible by minute particles of carbon suspended in it; smoke.
    2. a swelling esp. an abnormally swollen part of the body: 3) any undesired, uncultivated plant, esp. one growing in profusion so as to crowd out a desired crop, disfigure a lawn, etc.; a weed.
    3. the grass Echinochloa colonum of Poaceae family; a kind of wild millet.
    4. ಊದರಹಾಕು ūdarahāku to cause smoke to rise (by burning something).
  8. ಉತ್ತಾರ

    ♪ uttāra
    1. the act of transporting over or across.
    2. a setting free; a rescuing from a danger; protection.
    3. anything exchanged for another; either of the things so exchanged.
    4. such an act; exchange;
    5. a returning or giving back; a thing so given.
    6. a grant of land in recognition of services, merit etc.; an endowment.
    7. a raised, high-pitched voice.
    8. a discount - a) a reduction from a usual or list price; b) a deduction from a debt, allowed for paying promptly or in cash.
  9. ಉದರ

    ♪ udara
    1. the lower front part of the human body between the chest and thighs; the belly.
    2. the stomach - a) the large, saclike organ of vertebrates into which food passes from the oesophagus or gullet for storage while undergoing the early processes of digestion; b) any of the separate sections of such a digestive organ, as in ruminants or all these sections collectively; c) any enlarged storage portion of the digestive cavity, as in invertebrates.
    3. the interior or inside of anything.
    4. ಉದರ ನಿಮಿತ್ತಂ ಬಹುಕೃತ ವೇಷಂ udara nimittam bhukřta vēṣam (prov.) all one does is to fill the belly; the belly teaches all arts.
  10. ಉತಾರ

    ♪ utāra
    1. a discount - a) a reduction from a usual or list price; b) a deduction from a debt, allowed for paying promptly or in cash.
    2. the interest deducted in advance by one who buys or lends money on, a bill of exchange, promissory note, etc.
    3. the rate of interest charged for discounting a bill, note, etc.
  11. ಉದಾರ

    ♪ udāra
    1. very generous in giving; characterised by great generosity; generous; munificent; liberal; benevolent.
    2. noble; dignified.
    3. honest; sincere; upright.
    4. large; extensive.
    5. proper; right.
    6. beautiful; charming.
  12. ಉದಾರ

    ♪ udāra
    1. (rhet.) a figure of speech attributing greatness to inanimate objects.
    2. (rhet.) richness and politeness in expression.
  13. ಉದ್ರ

    ♪ udra
    1. water.
    2. any of sea carnivores of either Otariidae or Phocidae family, with a doglike head, a torpedo-shaped body, and four webbed feet or flippers that live in cold or temperate waters and usu. eat fish; seal.
    3. any of various furry carnivores of Mustelidae family, with webbed feet used in swimming and a long, slightly flattened tail; otter.
  14. ಉದುರೆ

    ♪ udure
    1. any powder used to sprinkle on.
  15. ಉದುರೆ

    ♪ udure
    1. the plant Dolichandrone arcuata of Bignoniaceae family.
    2. the plant Dolichandrone atrovirens ( = D. crispa) of the same family.
    3. another plant of the same family, Dolichandrone falcata.
  16. ಉತಾರು

    ♪ utāru
    1. slope - a) a piece of ground that is not flat or level; falling ground; b) any inclined line, surface, position, etc.; slant.
    2. a going or coming down.
    3. a declining or becoming less, smaller, etc.
    4. a thing made just like another (chiefly written or printed matter); imitation of an original; full reproduction or transcription; a copy.
    5. a reduction in price (usu. to promote more sales).
    6. (dial.) an increase in or more than normal, yield from farming.
    7. in book-keeping, the figure, usu. the cumulative total, carried over to the next page.
    8. ಉತಾರು ಹಾಕು utāru hāku to deduct from the payment to be made to another; 2. to reduce in selling price (to promote sales); to discount.
  17. ಉದಾರಿ

    ♪ udāri
    1. a person very generous in giving; a munificent person.
  18. ಉದಿರ್

    ♪ udir
    1. to come down by the force of gravity; to come down because detached, pushed, dropped, etc.; to move down and land forcibly.
    2. ಉದಿರದೆಗೆ udiradege to cause to fall and then pick up.
  19. ಉದಿರು

    ♪ udiru
    1. = ಉದಿರ್.
  20. ಉದರಿ

    ♪ udari
    1. (usu. in composition) a person having a belly (of so and so nature).
    2. a person having a potbelly.