1. ಊತಿ

    ♪ ūti
    1. a disease.
  2. ಊತಿ

    ♪ ūti
    1. the act of joining or fastening with stitches with a needle and thread; a sewing.
    2. a making of (a fabric) on a loom by interlacing threads or yarns; weaving.
    3. a strong longing for; a desire.
    4. (phil.) that which binds the soul with the worldly affairs (as opp. with the spiritual values).
    5. a protecting or being protected; an instance of this; protection.
    6. the possession, use or benefit of something; enjoyment.
    7. a game; sport.
    8. the charges paid to a tailor for sewing.
  3. ಊದಿ

    ♪ ūdi
    1. = ಊದಾ.
  4. ಉದಿ

    ♪ udi
    1. (dial.) the beginning of daylight in the morning; daybreak; dawn.
  5. ಉತ್ತ

    ♪ utta
      prepositional phrase
    1. p.p. of the verb 'ಉರು' (to till, plough).
  6. ಉದ

    ♪ uda
    1. water.
  7. ಊತ

    ♪ ūta
    1. the quality of being firm, sturdy, and solid, as a support or prop.
    2. the handle of a plough.
  8. ಉತ

    ♪ uta
    1. that is made into a fabric (by interlacing threads or yarns); woven; knit.
  9. ಉತ್ತ

    ♪ utta
    1. a place or region which is neither too far nor too close; (literarally, in between those can be referred to with 'there' and 'here').
  10. ಉತ್ತ

    ♪ utta
      prepositional phrase
    1. p.p. of the verb 'ಉಱು' (to be).
  11. ಊತ

    ♪ ūta
    1. an increasing in size.
    2. something swollen, esp. an abnormally swollen part of the body.
  12. ಊತ

    ♪ ūta
    1. that is sewn; fastened with stitches made with a needle and thread.
    2. that is oven on a loom.
  13. ಊದ

    ♪ ūda
    1. = ಊದಾ.
  14. ಊದ

    ♪ ūda
    1. = ಊದು3.
  15. ಊದ

    ♪ ūda
    1. the tree Styrax benzoin of Styracaceae family; benzoin tree.
  16. ಊದಾ

    ♪ ūdā
    1. a colour that is the mixture of sky-blue, black or white hues in different proportion.
    2. the brownish grey colour.
    3. the colour of the clear-sky; sky-blue.
  17. ಊಧ

    ♪ ūdha
    1. a bag-like mammary organ containing two or more glands, each with a separate teat, as in cows; the udder.
  18. ಊತು

    ♪ ūtu
    1. a heavy blow.
    2. (dial.) a projecting support of stone or brick etc. built against a wall; a buttress.
  19. ಊದು

    ♪ ūdu
    1. a gum resin obtained from various Arabian and African trees (genus Boswellia) of the bursera family and used in perfumes and as incense; olibanum; frankincense.
    2. ಊದಿನಕಡ್ಡಿ ūdina kaḍḍi = ಊದುಕಡ್ಡಿ.
  20. ಊದು

    ♪ ūdu
    1. the act of a person who slanders.