1. ಉರ್ಕು

    ♪ urku
    1. to come or rush out suddenly, issue, esp. in a jet or stream; (of water etc.) rise or flow in a stream, well up; to spring up, forth or out.
    2. to exhibit one's valour, power etc.; to act bravely.
    3. (joy, grief etc.) to come or arise vehemently .
    4. to act in an overbearing, imperious or dictatorial manner.
    5. to beam with joy.
  2. ಉರ್ಕು

    ♪ urku
    1. elevation of mind due to success; a sudden outburst, as of some emotion; ebullition.
    2. elevation of spirits; a feeling of pleasurable self-satisfaction and self-assurance.
    3. extreme self-pride and boastfulness; excessive and ostentatious vanity; vain glory.
    4. great bravery; valour.
    5. relatively high level of confidence and enthusiasm.
  3. ಉರ್ಕು

    ♪ urku
    1. a hard, tough metal composed of iron alloyed with various small percentages of carbon and often variously with other metals, as nickel, chromium, manganese, etc., to produce hardness, resistance to rusting, etc.
  4. ಉರ್ಕು

    ♪ urku
    1. to become altered from a solid to a liquid state usu. by heat; to melt.
  5. ಉರ್ಗು

    ♪ urgu
    1. the act, instance or habit of stammering.
  6. ಉರಗು

    ♪ uragu
    1. to change from a solid to a liquid state; to melt.
    2. to become softened, gentle and tender.
  7. ಉರ್ಗು

    ♪ urgu
    1. = ಉರ್ಕು1.
  8. ಉರಗ

    ♪ uraga
    1. that which moves on the chest; a snake; a serpent.
    2. any animal of the class Reptilia, vertebrates with scale integument, cold blood, right and left aortic arch, partially divided heart, single occipital condyle, pulmonary respiration; reptile.
    3. (myth.) a class of semi-divine goods with a human face and a serpent body.
  9. ಉರುಕು

    ♪ uruku
    1. the painful emotion caused by impending danger, evil or uncertainty, diffidence, etc.; fear.
  10. ಉರುಗು

    ♪ urugu
    1. the state of being slant, oblique or turned slightly to one side; wryness.
    2. the state of being bent or crooked; crookedness.
  11. ಉರುಗು

    ♪ urugu
    1. (dial.) to blow air from the mouth (to kindle fire).
  12. ಉರುಗು

    ♪ urugu
    1. to become or turn slant.
  13. ಉರ್ಕಿ

    ♪ urki
    1. the plant Oldenlandia herbacea ( = O. heynii) of Rubiaceae family.
  14. ಉರುಕ್ಕು

    ♪ urukku
    1. (dial.) an object worn on the body because of its supposed magical power to protect against injury or evil; a charm; a talisman; an amulet.
  15. ಉರಗಿ

    ♪ uragi
    1. = ಉರಗವನಿತೆ.
    2. a female snake.
  16. ಉರಿಕ

    ♪ urika
    1. he who burns, sets fire to.
    2. (fig.) (masc.) one who has resentful dislike of another who has something (material or merit) that one lacks in or desires to have.
    3. a bad tempered man.
  17. ಉರಿಕಾಸು

    ♪ urikāsu
    1. to warm oneself sitting in front of a fire or a hearth.
  18. ಉರಿಗ

    ♪ uriga
    1. a kind of plant (uliga) .
  19. ಉರಿಗೇಸ

    ♪ urigēsa
    1. fire like hair; red hair.
  20. ಉರುಕ

    ♪ uruka
    1. any of various skin disorders accompanied by severe irritation of the skin; the itch.