1. ಉತ್ಕ್ರೋಶ

    ♪ utkrōśa
    1. a loud outcry; uproar; clamour.
    2. a vehement, continued expression of the general feeling or of public opinion; loud demand or complaint.
    3. a large, black-and-white diving bird of prey of Pandionidae family, (Pandion haliaetus species), which feeds mainly on fish; osprey.
    4. any of piciform birds of Picidae family, distinguished by stiff tail feathers used for support, a strong, pointed, chisel-shaped bill used for drilling holes in bark to get insects, and a long, protrusile tongue with a spearlike tip; woodpecker.
  2. ಉತ್ಕರ್ಷ

    ♪ utkarṣa
    1. superiority in rank, position, character, achievement, etc.; elevation; greatness; celebrity; eminence.
    2. excellence; highest merit.
    3. prosperous condition; good fortune, wealth, success, etc.; prosperity.
    4. (in yogic exercises) a kind of controlled breathing.
  3. ಉತ್ಕರುಷ

    ♪ utkaruṣa
    1. = ಉತ್ಕರ್ಷ.