1. ಉತ್ಕರ

    ♪ utkara
    1. a heap; a multitude; a pile.
    2. the act of splitting.
    3. the tree Anogeissus latifolia (=Conocarpus latifolia) of Combretaceae family; axle wood; (?).
  2. ಉತ್ಕಾರ

    ♪ utkāra
    1. the act of blowing the chaff from grain by wind or a forced current of air; winnowing; winnow.
    2. heaping up of grains.
  3. ಉದಗ್ರ

    ♪ udagra
    1. with the tip pointing, projecting or turned upwards.
    2. of more than normal height or stature; very high, tall; lofty.
    3. of high quality; noble; sublime.
  4. ಉದಗ್ರ

    ♪ udagra
    1. a mighty, strong man; a hero.
  5. ಉದ್ಗರ

    ♪ udgara
    1. the act or process of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth; vomit.
  6. ಉದ್ಗಾರ

    ♪ udgāra
    1. the act or an instance of emanating from within or coming out; emanation.
    2. the act of expelling gas though the mouth from the stomach and the gas so emanated; eructation; belching; belch.
    3. a loud and long sound (as made from disappointment); a sudden vehement utterance, as from wonder; ejaculation.
  7. ಉದ್ಗಾರಿ

    ♪ udgāri
    1. emitting; emanating.