1. ಈಸರ

    ♪ īsara
    1. = ಈಶ್ವರ - 1 & 2.
  2. ಇಷಾರೆ

    ♪ ishāre
    1. a signal, hint - a) a sign given by gesture, flashing light, etc. to convey a command, direction, warning, etc.; b) an object or device, as a red flag, flashing light, etc., providing such a sign.
    2. ಕುದುರೆಗೆ ಇಷಾರೆ, ಕತ್ತೆಗೆ ಲತ್ತೆ kudurege iṣāre, kattege latte (prov.) while sensible person acts on a sign, the insensitive needs to be instructed with a cudgel.
  3. ಇಸಿಱ್

    ♪ isiṛ
    1. the hard, white substance, a form of dentin, that makes up the tusks of elephants, wild boar etc.
    2. a hand-weapon resembling the tusk of an elephant.