a resinous substance secreted by various scale insects, esp. a species (Laccifer lacca) that live on certain fig, soapberry, and acacia trees; lac.
refined lac, a resin usually produced in thin, flaky layers or shells and used in making varnish, phonograph records, insulating materials, etc.; shellac.
ಅರಗಿನಮರ araginamara the tree Shorea talura ( = S. robusta; = Vatica robusta) of Dipterocarpaceae family; bastard sal; 2. the tree Symplocos racemosa of Symplocaceae family, the bark of which is used in dyeing; ಅರಗಿನ ಹುಳು aragina huḷu the insect Laccifer lacca that secretes a resinous substance forming lac.