name of the last year in the sixty-years cycle.
barley - a) a cereal grass (Hordeum vulgare) with dense, bearded spikes of flowers, each made up of three single-seeded spikelets; b) its grain, used in making malt, soups, etc.
the organ of sight; the eye.
the result of action; work; deed; performance.
absence of light; darkness.
wild growth of trees and underwood over a large tract of land; a forest.
the tree Cocos nucifera.
its nut; coconut.
the tree Atrocarpus integra of Urticaceae family.
its fruit; jack fruit.
the tree Mangifera indica of the Anacardiaceae family.
its fruit; mango.
any plant of Musaceae family.
its fruit; banana; plantain.
any essential feature or peculiarity; a quality; nature; character.
a hollow place in a rock; a cave.
the state of being imperishable or undecaying.