1. ಆಗತೆ

    ♪ āgate
    1. = ಆಗತಿ - 2.
  2. ಅಗತೆ

    ♪ agate
    1. the act or course of digging; the act of loosening the soil.
    2. that which is dug; a moat; a trench.
  3. ಆಘಾತ

    ♪ āghāta
    1. a stroke; a blow.
    2. a sudden shaking or jarring as caused by a blow; a shock.
    3. a force suddenly and momentarily communicated as a disturbance travelling along a nerve or a muscle; an impulse.
    4. a convulsive excitation of nerves as by electricity; a nervous shock.
    5. a blow to the emotions or its cause.
    6. stress on a syllable, musical note or word.
    7. a calamity; misfortune.
  4. ಅಕ್ತ

    ♪ akta
    1. smeared with; anointed.
    2. made clear; manifested; distinguished.
  5. ಅಖಾತ

    ♪ akhāta
    1. not dug; (bay, pond etc.) naturally formed.
  6. ಅಖಾತ

    ♪ akhāta
    1. a natural pond or lake.
    2. an inlet of the sea with a wide opening; a bay; a gulf.
  7. ಅಗತ

    ♪ agata
    1. = ಅಗತೆ.
  8. ಅಗದ

    ♪ agada
    1. free from disease; sound; healthy.
  9. ಅಗದ

    ♪ agada
    1. freedom from disease; good health.
    2. any substance used (internally or applied externally like a balm, ointment,) for the treatment or prevention of a disease or curing a wound etc; a medicine.
    3. the science of antidotes.
  10. ಅಗಾಧ

    ♪ agādha
    1. that cannot be fathomed; very deep; unfathomable.
    2. (fig.) that cannot be achieved or accomplished; impossible.
    3. characterised by erudition, hugeness or enormity; profuse; profound; excessive.
  11. ಅಗಾಧ

    ♪ agādha
    1. a deep cleft or fissure in the earth; a chasm.
  12. ಆಖಾತ

    ♪ ākhāta
    1. a natural pond or pool of water; a bay.
  13. ಆಗತ

    ♪ āgata
    1. arrived; reached.
    2. happened; befallen; occurred.
  14. ಆಗಾಧ

    ♪ āgādha
    1. (dial.) that which is formidable; that which cannot be overcome.
  15. ಅಕ್ಕದ

    ♪ akkada
    1. a feeling of envy for the good qualities, fortune or good look of another; envy; feeling of chagrin.
  16. ಅಗಿತ

    ♪ agita
    1. the act of crushing (food) into smaller, softer pieces with the teeth; a chewing.
  17. ಅಕ್ಕೊತ್ತೆ

    ♪ akkotte
    1. deposit secured ruthlessly or obstinately, as a security for repayment of a loan or fulfilment of a promise.
  18. ಅಗಿದು

    ♪ agidu
    1. going or being far down from the surface; deep.
  19. ಅಗೆತ

    ♪ ageta
    1. the act or course, of removing, turning up of, earth; digging; excavation.
  20. ಅಘಾತಿ

    ♪ aghāti
    1. of the nature of not harming, annoying or killing; not dangerous.