1. ಆಂಶಿಕ

    ♪ āmśika
    1. of, being, pertaining to or affecting only a part; not complete, whole or total; partial.
  2. ಅಂಶಿಕ

    ♪ amśika
    1. a share; a portion; a division.
    2. (masc.) a co-heir; a shareholder.
  3. ಅಂಶಕ

    ♪ amśaka
    1. a share; a part; a portion.
    2. a man who is entitled for a share in an estate; a shareholder; a co-heir.
    3. (astrol.) the ninth part of any of the twelve signs of zodiac.
  4. ಅಂಶುಕ

    ♪ amśuka
    1. a long unsewn cloth to wear round the waist or to use as a cover for upper portion of the body.
    2. a fine white cloth.
    3. a ray of light.
    4. a leaf of a plant.