1. ಅೞಿ

    ♪ ałi
    1. the act of destroying; an instance of being destroyed; downfall; destruction; devastation.
    2. the quality of being mean, ignoble or contemptible; baseness; meanness.
  2. ಅೞಿ

    ♪ alḷi
    1. the liquid (esp. an oil) that sticks to the measuring vessel.
    2. ಅೞಿಬಿಡು ałibiḍu to measure a liquid (esp. oil) in excess, as to allow it to overflow the measuring vessel; ಅೞಿಬೀಳು ałibīḷu (the liquid being measured) to overflow or spill over the measuring vessel; ಅೞೀಮಟ ałīmaṭa the state of being filled to the brim.
  3. ಅೞಿ

    ♪ ałi
    1. to cease from existence; to die.
    2. to be destroyed, ruined or spoiled.
    3. to go out of sight; to disappear.
    4. to destroy; to ruin; to obliterate.
  4. ಆೞಿ

    ♪ āłi
    1. a plane figure bounded by a single curved line, every point of which is equally distant from the point at the centre of the figure; a circle 2) a sharp circular missile-weapon; a discus-weapon.
    2. royal power as symbolised by the discus-weapon.
  5. ಆೞಿ

    ♪ āłi
    1. the act of cheating; deceit.
    2. the quality or state of being tenacious; tenacity.
    3. ಆೞಾೞಿ āłāłi high and undue tenacity.
  6. ಆೞ

    ♪ āła
    1. the distance from the top downward, from the surface inward or from front to back; depth.
    2. profundity of thought; intellectual depth.
    3. (fig.) that which cannot be seen from outside; inner feelings, thought, secret, etc.
    4. ಆೞವಱಿ āłavaṛi (fig.) to find out the strength.
  7. ಅೞ್

    ♪ ał
    1. to make a loud vocal sound or utterance; to sob and shed tears in expressing sorrow, pain, grief, etc.; to weep; to cry.
  8. ಅೞ್

    ♪ ał
    1. the act or an instance of crying; a cry.
  9. ಆೞ್

    ♪ āł
    1. to go under the surface of a liquid; to plunge oneself into water.
    2. to be engaged or involved deeply; to be absorbed in (as in a work, grief, etc.).
    3. to go under or within; to bury oneself.
    4. to fall loosing strength; to collapse; to sag.
    5. to cause to go under the surface of a liquid; to drop into a liquid so as to cover completely; to dip;
    6. ಆೞೆನಡು āłenaḍu to plant deeply; to set firmly as into the ground; to fix in position; 2. to fix in the mind (an idea, etc.); ಆೞೆಪುಗು āłepugu to go inside or under completely; ಆೞೆವುಗು āłevugu = ಆೞೆಪುಗು.
  10. ಆೞಿಸು

    ♪ āłisu
    1. to cause to sink; to press or push another under a liquid.
  11. ಅೞಿಸು

    ♪ aḷisu
    1. to cause to weep; to subject another to difficulties or intolerable inconvenience.
  12. ಅೞಿಸು

    ♪ aḷisu
    1. to beat.
    2. to go beyond one's control.
    3. to erase.