1. ಅಸವಸೆ

    ♪ asavase
    1. = ಅಸವಸ1.
  2. ಅಸವಸೆ

    ♪ asavase
    1. a small or superficial wound.
  3. ಅಸ್ವ

    ♪ asva
    1. a man owning nothing; a man who has no properties, belongings of his own.
  4. ಅಸವಸ

    ♪ asavasa
    1. rapidity of motion; speed; haste.
    2. undue eagerness to act; the quality of acting or doing suddenly with little thought; impetuousness.
    3. a lack of order; disorder; confusion; jumble; absence of system; disarray.
    4. something necessary or fundamental; indispensable, inherent or basic feature or principle; essential.
    5. ಅಸವಸಬಡು asavasabaḍu to act over-enthusiastically; to rush impetuously.
  5. ಅಸವಸ

    ♪ asavasa
    1. not optional; involuntary.
  6. ಆಸವ

    ♪ āsava
    1. an extract of anything got by boiling; an extract produced by decocting.
    2. a product of distillation; liquid obtained by distilling.
    3. any spirituous liquor.
    4. the sweetish liquid in many flowers, used by bees for the making of honey; nectar.
    5. the principle that characterises all living beings and distinguishes them from non-living beings; life.
  7. ಆಸೇವೆ

    ♪ āsēve
    1. = ಆಸೇಚನ - 2.
  8. ಅಸಿವಸಿ

    ♪ asivasi
    1. rapidity of motion; speed; haste.
    2. undue eagerness to act; the quality of acting or doing suddenly with little or no thought; impetuousness.
    3. a lack of order; disorder; confusion; jumble; absence of system; disarray.
    4. something necessary or fundamental; indispensable, inherent or basic feature or principle; essential.
  9. ಅಸುವೆ

    ♪ asuve
    1. a flat stone on which spices are ground.
  10. ಆಶ್ವ

    ♪ āsva
    1. a multitude of horses.
  11. ಆಶ್ವಾಸ

    ♪ āsvāsa
    1. the act of breathing in; inhaling.
    2. a cheering up in distress; a giving of hope or assurance of help, protection or prosperity.
    3. a section or a canto of a book; a chapter.
  12. ಅಶ್ವ

    ♪ aśva
    1. any of several domesticated or wild varieties of a large, strong species (Equus caballus) of perissodactylous mammal having a long, flowing tail, used for transportation, work, etc.; a horse.
    2. a kind of men (who are strong like horse, in work or in sexual potency).
    3. a medicinal substance.
  13. ಆಸೆವಾಸಿ

    ♪ āsevāsi
    1. (pl.) protection and fame.
  14. ಆಶ್ವ

    ♪ āsva
    1. of, belonging or relating to horse.
  15. ಅಶಿವ

    ♪ aŚiva
    1. not auspicious; unfavourable; causing distress; inauspicious.
  16. ಆಶಾವೇಶ

    ♪ āśāvēśa
    1. the vehemence of the desire.
  17. ಆಶೀವಿಷ

    ♪ āśīviṣa
    1. = ಆಶೀರ್ವಿಷ.
  18. ಅಶ್ವೆ

    ♪ aśve
    1. a fully mature female horse; a mare.