1. ಅವ್ವರಣಿ

    ♪ avvaraṇi
    1. a kind of plant.
  2. ಅವರ್ಣಿ

    ♪ avarṇi
    1. refracting white light without breaking it up into its component colours; achromatic.
  3. ಅವರ್ಣ

    ♪ avarṇa
    1. in Kannaḍa alphabet, either of the two vowels ಅ and ಆ.
    2. an accusation; censure; blame.
  4. ಅವರ್ಣ

    ♪ avarṇa
    1. having no colour; colourless.
  5. ಆವರಣ

    ♪ āvaraṇa
    1. the act of covering or concealing.
    2. an enclosed space with a building or group of buildings within it; a compound.
    3. a small wall, hedge, wire structure, etc. that encloses such a space.
    4. any piece of cloth used as a concealing or separating screen or curtain; a veil.
    5. (phil.) the condition or quality of being ignorant; lack of knowledge; ignorance.
    6. a flat, usually broad, piece of metal, wood, etc., carried in the hand or worn on the forearm to ward off blows or missiles; a shield.
    7. (in a combat) the act or the knack of, warding off blows or missiles.
    8. a metal coat to protect oneself from weapon-blows.
    9. that which charms or bewitches, as an act of magic.
    10. a sliding bar for locking a door, gate, etc. ; a bolt.
    11. ; any line or thing marking a limit; bound; border; boundary.
    12. an additional word, clause, etc. placed as an explanation or comment within two curved lines ( ), [ ] or { }.
    13. a set of two such curved lines.
  6. ಆವರ್ಣ

    ♪ āvarṇa
    1. = ಆವರಣ - 2, 3 & 4.
  7. ಒಳ ಆವರಣ

    ♪ oḷa āvaraṇa
    1. a space enclosed by a building or buildings.