1. ಅವಿನೀತ

    ♪ avinīta
    1. not modest; not decorous; immodest.
    2. defying rules, custom; not obeying; disobedient.
  2. ಅವಿನೀತ

    ♪ avinīta
    1. a discourteous, disobedient or rude man.
  3. ಅವನತ

    ♪ avanata
    1. bent; stooped; prostrated.
  4. ಅವನತ

    ♪ avanata
    1. he who has prostrated (before a deity or a respectable person).
    2. a man who has bent his head as from fear, shame or as a gesture of respect to another.
    3. a man in a wretched or pitiable condition.
  5. ಅವನತಿ

    ♪ avanati
    1. the act of bowing down or prostrating.
    2. a gesture of respect or reverence; obeisance.
    3. a period of decline, as in morals, art, literature, general well being etc.; deterioration; decay; the state of distress.
  6. ಅವನತೆ

    ♪ avanate
    1. she who has prostrated (before a deity or a respectable person) 2) a woman who has bent his head as from fear, shame or as a gesture of respect to another.
    2. a woman in a wretched or pitiable condition.
  7. ಅವನೀತ

    ♪ avanīta
    1. pushed or thrown down; removed.
    2. bent; crooked; not straight.
  8. ಅವಿನೀತೆ

    ♪ avinīte
    1. an immodest, disobedient or rude woman.