1. ಅವಿದೂರ

    ♪ avidūra
    1. immediate nearness in space, time, etc.; proximity.
  2. ಅವತರ

    ♪ avatara
    1. = ಅವತಾರ - 1.
  3. ಅವತಾರ

    ♪ avatāra
    1. the act or fact of coming down; descent.
    2. the act of bringing down.
    3. a goḍs appearance in human form; incarnation; manifestation.
    4. the act of describing; an account of anything in words; description.
    5. any new appearance, growth or rise.
    6. (fig.- jocularly or contemptuously used) mode of being; outward look that is ugly or awkward.
    7. (Jain.) one of the eight rituals observed during the pregnancy and the ceremony.
    8. the number ten.
    9. the act of taking off (the burden, etc.).
    10. ಅವತಾರ ಎತ್ತು avatāra ettu (a deity) to descend on the earth in human form; or to be born as a human.
  4. ಅವತಾರಿ

    ♪ avatāri
    1. a god who has incarnated or manifested in human form on the earth.
  5. ಅವದಿರು

    ♪ avadiru
    1. the pl. of he or she; they.
  6. ಅವಧಾರು

    ♪ avadhāru
    1. an interjection used in calling attention (of a respectable person or a person of higher rank); 'attention please'.
    2. an interjection used in cautioning 'care abouṭ, 'take care'.