1. ಅವಿಚ್ಛಿನ್ನ

    ♪ avicchinna
    1. not broken off; not severed; not separated from; not cut.
    2. never ceasing; continuing or being repeated without stopping or in a way that seems endless; incessant.
    3. sincere; loyal.
  2. ಅವಿಚ್ಛಿನ್ನ

    ♪ avicchinna
    1. (phil.) the Supreme, as everlasting.
  3. ಅವಚ್ಛನ್ನ

    ♪ avacchanna
    1. covered; concealed; hidden.
  4. ಅವಚ್ಛಿನ್ನ

    ♪ avacchinna
    1. that has been cut; cut off.
    2. severed; broken; divided.
    3. of or belonging to a single, definite person, part, group or thing; not general; distinct; particular; certain.
    4. particularised; distinguished; characterised as by an attributive word.
    5. (log.) separated or excluded from all other things by the properties predicated of a thing as a peculiar to itself.