1. ಅವಿಗ್ರಹ

    ♪ avigraha
    1. a sheep-catcher; a wolf.
  2. ಅವಗ್ರಹ

    ♪ avagraha
    1. separation; - a) the act of separating or keeping (two things) at a distance; b) separation of component parts of a compound word or other grammatical forms.
    2. anything that gets in the way or hinders; an impediment; an obstruction; a hindrance; an obstacle.
    3. a control - a) the act or fact of controlling; power to direct or regulate; ability to use effectively; b) the condition of being directed or restrained.
    4. a prolonged period of dry weather; lack or failure of rain; drought.
    5. the forehead of an elephant.
    6. an imprecation; a curse; an abusive term.
    7. a sort of knowledge; a false idea.
  3. ಅವಗ್ರಾಹ

    ♪ avagrāha
    1. = ಅವಗ್ರಹ - 2, 3 & 4.
  4. ಅವಗ್ರಹಿಸು

    ♪ avagrahisu
    1. to grasp; to hold; to seize.
    2. to be diffused or present throughout.
    3. to receive; to accept.