1. ಅವಾಮ

    ♪ avāma
    1. that is not left; right.
    2. moving clockwise.
    3. not deviating from the straight or correct path (fig. also).
  2. ಅವಮ

    ♪ avama
    1. of low quality, status, rank, etc.; inferior.
    2. morally base or evil; wicked; depraved; vile.
  3. ಅವಮ

    ♪ avama
    1. = ಅವಮೆ.
  4. ಅವಮೆ

    ♪ avame
    1. the day on which the moon is between the earth and the sun, with its dark side toward the earth; the new-moon day.
  5. ಅವಮೌಲ್ಯ

    ♪ avamaulya
    1. the falling of value.
    2. a lessening in value, importance, etc.
    3. depreciation - a) a decrease in value of property through wear, deterioration or obsolescence; b) the allowance made for this in book-keeping, accounting, etc.
    4. the devaluation of currency - a) an instance of reduction in the amount or fineness of a metal, esp. gold, officially designated as the standard of value of a monetary unit; b) an official lowering of the exchange value of a currency with reference to other currencies.