1. ಅವರೋಹ

    ♪ avarōha
    1. the act, fact or process of coming or going down; a descent.
    2. a root that grows downwards from the branches (as of a banyan tree); a pendent root.
    3. a creeper climbing up to the top of a tree.
    4. (mus.) a coming down on a musical scale; descending order of a musical mode.
  2. ಅವರೋಹಿ

    ♪ avarōhi
    1. tending to come or go downward; descending.
  3. ಅವರೋಹಿ

    ♪ avarōhi
    1. (astrol.) the period of decline; decadence; a time foreboding of an inauspicious events.
    2. (bot.) a plant with stem lying flat but with tip rising.