1. ಅವಧಾರಿಸು

    ♪ avadhārisu
    1. to heed attentively; to taken in to the mind carefully.
    2. to bear or put up with; to sustain the burden of; to tolerate; to bear.
  2. ಅವತರಿಸು

    ♪ avatarisu
    1. to come down; to descend.
    2. (a deity) to assume a human body; or to be born as a human being.
    3. to happen; to befall; to come about; to manifest oneself.
    4. to cause to descend or incarnate.
    5. to select, take out or quote (passages from a book, etc.); to extract.
  3. ಅವತಾರಿಸು

    ♪ avatārisu
    1. to cause to descend; to move an object from a higher to a lower place.
    2. (beings of region above this world) to be born or manifest, in human form; to incarnate.
  4. ಅವದರಿಸು

    ♪ avadarisu
    1. = ಅವಧರಿಸು.
  5. ಅವಧರಿಸು

    ♪ avadharisu
    1. to consider - a) to think about in order to understand or decide; to ponder; b) to keep in mind; to take into account.
    2. to imagine; to grasp as a concept; to conceive.
    3. to give careful attention; listen carefully.
    4. to hold or fixed firmly.
  6. ಅವಧೀರಿಸು

    ♪ avadhīrisu
    1. to have or show lack of respect for; to disregard.