1. ಅವಗಾಹನ

    ♪ avagāhana
    1. = ಅವಗಾಹ - 1.
  2. ಅವಗಹನ

    ♪ avagahana
    1. a bathing by plunging oneself in a river, tank or ocean.
    2. (Jain.) the state of several souls congregating together.
  3. ಅವಗಾಹನೆ

    ♪ avagāhane
    1. the act of considering; careful thought or attention; deliberation; consideration.
  4. ಅವಗೂಹನ

    ♪ avagūhana
    1. the act or process of putting out of sight; a hiding; concealing.
    2. the act of clasping in the arms as an expression of affection or desire; an embrace.