1. ಅವಕ್ರಿಯೆ

    ♪ avakriye
    1. an effort, work that has failed in achieving or fulfilling the purpose.
  2. ಅವಕ್ರಯ

    ♪ avakraya
    1. a payment for the temporary possession or use of a house, land or other property, made, usually at fixed intervals, by the tenant or user to the owner; rent.
    2. the amount of money, etc. asked, payable or paid for something; cost; charge; price.
    3. the little pay given to an unskilled labourer; coolie.
    4. a renting out a house, land or other property for the temporary possession or use on payment of a prefixed amount at regular intervals.
  3. ಅವಿಕಾರ್ಯ

    ♪ avikārya
    1. not subject to change.
    2. free from passion, emotion or bias.