1. ಅಳ್ಳೆದೆ

    ♪ aḷḷede
    1. a heart trembling from fear or anxiety.
    2. the mind lacking firmness in purpose; irresolute mind.
    3. a weak minded man.
  2. ಅಳತೆ

    ♪ aḷate
    1. the extent, dimensions, capacity, etc. of anything, esp. as determined by a standard; a measure.
    2. the act or process of determining extent, dimensions, etc.; measurement.
    3. a) a standard for determining extent, dimensions, etc.; unit of measurement, as an inch, yard or bushel; b) any standard of valuation, comparison, judgment, etc.; criterion.
    4. an instrument for measuring or a container of standard capacity.
    5. an extent or degree not to be exceeded.
  3. ಅಳೆತ

    ♪ aḷeta
    1. the act or processing of measuring.
  4. ಅಳ್ತಿ

    ♪ aḷti
    1. strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties; love.
    2. the emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desire; joy; pleasure.
  5. ಅಳ್ತಿ

    ♪ aḷti
    1. a desire to have.
    2. the tendency or act of begging.
  6. ಆಳತಿ

    ♪ āḷati
    1. the act or an instance of singing.
  7. ಆಳೊತ್ತು

    ♪ āḷottu
    1. to press the infantry forward (in a war-field).
    2. in chess, to move forward a pawn (of lower value).
  8. ಆಳೊತ್ತು

    ♪ āḷottu
    1. the position, rank, dignity, authority or dominion of a king; kingship.