1. ಅಳುಪ

    ♪ aḷupa
    1. a man who is eager or desirous of having.
    2. a greedy, voracious man.
  2. ಆಳಾಪ

    ♪ aḷāpa
    1. the act or an instance of talking together esp. familiar talk; verbal exchange of feelings, ideas, opinions, etc.; conversation.
    2. an introductory prelude for a rāga, musical mode.
    3. the act of lamenting; outward expression of grief; esp., a weeping or wailing; lamentation.
  3. ಅಳಿಪು

    ♪ aḷipu
    1. to bring or reduce to ruin; to destroy; to spoil; to damage irreparably.
    2. to corrupt the morals of; to demoralise.
  4. ಅಳಿಪು

    ♪ aḷipu
    1. to desire vehemently; to covet.
    2. to want sexually.
  5. ಅಳಿಪು

    ♪ aḷipu
    1. the act or process of destroying; destruction.
    2. the act of being ruined; ruin.
  6. ಅಳಿಪು

    ♪ aḷipu
    1. a vehement desire; a strong craving; greed; voracity.
    2. sexual appetite; lust.
  7. ಅಳಿಪು

    ♪ aḷipu
    1. the sound made in coition; erotic words.
  8. ಅಳುಪು

    ♪ aḷupu
    1. to desire to have or get more than one needs or deserves; to be greedy.
  9. ಅಳುಪು

    ♪ aḷupu
    1. excessive desire for getting or having; desire for more than one needs or deserves; greed; avarice.
  10. ಅಳ್ಪು

    ♪ aḷpu
    1. an affectionate clasping in the arms and pressing to the bosom; an embrace; a hug.
  11. ಅಳಿಪ

    ♪ aḷipa
    1. a man wanting or taking all that one can get, with thought of others' needs or desiring more than he needs or deserves; a greedy man.