1. ಅಲೆಗೆಯ್

    ♪ alegey
    1. to pluck or pull at (the strings of a musical instrument) and release quickly with little jerking movements of the fingers (as in playing).
    2. to annoy, harass or tease; to torment.
  2. ಆಲೇಖ್ಯ

    ♪ ālēkhya
    1. to be written or fit to be written, drawn (as a diagram, graph, etc.).
  3. ಆಲೇಖ್ಯ

    ♪ ālēkhya
    1. a written, painted symbol, picture, graph or a diagram.
    2. a sketch, diagram or drawing of a painting and the like drawn by an artist; a form given as the plan or scheme to an artist.
    3. the art of writing pictures; painting.
  4. ಆಳಿಗೆಯ್

    ♪ āḷigey
    1. to rule; to govern; to reign.
  5. ಆಳ್ಗೆಯ್

    ♪ āḷgey
    1. to work as a servant.