1. ಅಲಿ

    ♪ ali
    1. there - a) at or in that place; b) at that point.
  2. ಅಲಿ

    ♪ ali
    1. any of a number of related large, hairy, yellow-and-black social bees (esp. genus Bombus); the bumble-bee.
    2. any of an order (Scorpiones) of arachnids found in warm regions, with a front pair of nipping claws and a long, slender, jointed tail ending in a curved, poisonous sting; the scorpion.
    3. any of a genus (Corvus, family Corvidae) of large, non-migratory passerine birds with glossy black plumage and a typical harsh call, including the raven, rook, and jackdaw; the crow.
    4. the eighth sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about October 24; Scorpio.
    5. any alcoholic beverage; a liquor.
  3. ಆಲಿ

    ♪ āli
    1. the act or process of weaving.
    2. the structure of the woven material.
  4. ಆಲಿ

    ♪ āli
    1. the contractile circular opening, apparently black, in the centre of the iris of the eye; pupil.
    2. the eye itself.
    3. a look; sight; gaze.
    4. either of the two movable folds of flesh that cover and uncover the front of the eyeball; the eye-lid.
    5. (dial.) an eye disease marked by irritation and redness of the eye.
  5. ಆಲಿ

    ♪ āli
    1. = ಆಲಿಕಲ್ಲು.
  6. ಆಲಿ

    ♪ āli
    1. a female friend.
    2. a desire; a wish.
    3. any of a series of such horizontal lines in parallel, as of seats in a theatre or airplane, etc.; a row.
    4. a number of persons or things gathered closely together and forming a recognisable unit; a group.
    5. a raised mound by the side of a lake.
    6. any of broad-bodied, four-winged, hairy hymenopteran insects belonging to a large super family Apoidea, which gather pollen and nectar, have biting as well as sucking mouthparts; a bee.
    7. any of arachnids of Scorpiones order found in warm regions, with a front pair of nipping claws and a long, slender, jointed tail ending in a curved, poisonous sting; a scorpion.
  7. ಆಲ

    ♪ āla
    1. a thing or place that gives support, help, etc.
    2. a person who helps, supports another.
  8. ಅಲ

    ♪ ala
    1. the sting in the tail of the scorpion.
    2. arsenic trisulfide, As2S3, having a lemon-yellow colour and a resinous lustre which is used as a pigment; orpiment.
  9. ಅಲಸ

    ♪ alasa
    1. he who is disinclined to labour or exertion; a lazy, idle man; an indolent.
    2. the tendency of being indolent; disinclination to labour.
  10. ಆಲಸ

    ♪ ālasa
    1. sluggish - a) lacking energy, alertness or vigour; indisposed to exertion; slothful; b) not active; slow or slow-moving; dull; c) not functioning with normal vigour.
  11. ಆಲಸ

    ♪ ālasa
    1. a man who is not eager or willing to work or exert himself; an indolent; a slothful, lazy man.
    2. the quality of a person having aversion to work or exertion; disinclination to work; laziness; sluggishness.
  12. ಆಲ

    ♪ āla
    1. having more breadth or width; broad; wide.
  13. ಆಲ್

    ♪ āl
    1. to shout aloud; to scream.
    2. ಆಲಕರೆ ālakare to call a person by shouting (his name or making a screaming sound); ಆಲಿಕೊಳ್ ālikoḷ to shout aloud; to scream.
  14. ಅಲಾ

    ♪ alā
    1. an interjection expressing surprise.
  15. ಆಲ

    ♪ āla
    1. the tree Ficus bengalensis ( = F. indica) of Moraceae family, with rooting branches; banyan tree.
    2. ಆಲದ ಪಣ್ ālada paṇ the fruit of the banyan tree (Ficus bengalensis); ಆಲದ ಬಿೞಲು ālada biłalu the shoot that grows from the branches of banyan tree (Ficus bengalensis) and which take root and form a new trunk; ಆಲದ ಮರ ālada mara = ಆಲ1.ಅಪ್ಪ ಹಾಕಿದ ಆಲಮರ ಅಂತ ನೇಣು ಹಾಕಿಕೊ appa hākida ālada mara see under ಅಪ್ಪ1.
  16. ಆಲ

    ♪ āla
    1. a liquid discharged by poisonous animals.
    2. a silvery-white, brittle, very poisonous chemical element, compounds of which are used in making insecticides, glass, medicines, semiconductors, etc; arsenic.
    3. the red lotus flower .
    4. the red lotus plant.
    5. the tail of a scorpion that contains poison.
    6. the act or practice of deceiving; deception; a cheating.
  17. ಅಲೆಸು

    ♪ alesu
    1. = ಅಲೆದಾಡಿಸು.
  18. ಅಲೆ

    ♪ ale
    1. an interjection used in calling a woman.
  19. ಅಲಸು

    ♪ alasu
    1. to become fatigued, exhausted from physical or mental exertion.
    2. to make slow; to slow down.
    3. to neglect; to fail to care for or to attend to sufficiently or properly; to slight.
  20. ಅಲೆ

    ♪ ale
    1. a ridge or swell moving along the surface of a liquid or body of water as a result of disturbance, as by wind; a wave; a billow.
    2. ಹೊಸ ಅಲೆ ಎಬ್ಬಿಸು hosa ale ebbisu (fig.) to cause a new movement, different style in literature, art, public life etc.