1. ಅಲವ

    ♪ alava
    1. a musical mode, in Karnāṭaka system, derived from the main mode Raghupriya.
  2. ಅಲಾವಿ

    ♪ alāvi
    1. = ಅಲಾಬಿ.
  3. ಆಳವ

    ♪ āḷava
    1. (dial.) a non-malignant growth on any part of the body of human or cattle.
  4. ಅಳವೆ

    ♪ aḷave
    1. (dial.) a tenancy agreement entered between the land lord and a cultivator.
  5. ಅಳವೆ

    ♪ aḷave
    1. the place at which a river joins the sea; river mouth; firth; estuary.
  6. ಅಳವೆ

    ♪ aḷave
    1. a regulated outlet for water; a sluice.
  7. ಅಳಿವು

    ♪ aḷivu
    1. the fact or state of being destroyed; destruction; annihilation; complete loss.
    2. a fall from prosperity or power; down-fall.
    3. the final departure (of the soul) from the current life; death.
    4. a dilapidated condition; dilapidation.
  8. ಅಳಿವೆ

    ♪ aḷive
    1. the place at which a river joins the sea; river mouth; firth; estuary.
  9. ಅಳುವೆ

    ♪ aḷuve
    1. the wide mouth of a river, where the salty tide meets the freshwater current of the river; river mouth; firth; estuary.
  10. ಅಳ್ವು

    ♪ aḷvu
    1. to burn with fire or heat: 2) to diffuse through out; to pervade.
  11. ಆಳವಿಸು

    ♪ aḷavisu
    1. to hold a conversation; to talk; to converse.
    2. to render an introductory prelude for a rāga (musical mode).
  12. ಆಳಿವಿ

    ♪ āḷivi
    1. the plant Lepidium sativum of Brassicaceae ( = Cruciferae) family; garden cress.
  13. ಆಳುವಾಸಿ

    ♪ āḷuvāsi
    1. higher esteem about one's valour; pride of being valorous; ಆಳುವಾಸಿಯ ತೋಟಿ āḷuvāsiya tōṭi a physical combat to prove one's valour.
  14. ಆಳುವೆ

    ♪ āḷuve
    1. the territorial range of an administrative body or person.
  15. ಆಳುವೆಸ

    ♪ āḷuvesa
    1. the work or duty of a servant.
  16. ಆಳ್ವೆ

    ♪ āḷve
    1. the condition of a slave, serf or the like; subjection to a master; slavery or bondage.
  17. ಆಳ್ವೆಸ

    ♪ āḷvesa
    1. the duty or service of a servant.
    2. the office, dignity, state of a ruler; kingship.
  18. ಅಳವಿ

    ♪ aḷavi
    1. the space, amount or degree to which a thing extends; size; length; breadth; extent; the capacity, volume, of anything as determined by a standard; measure.
    2. the state or quality of being near; nearness in space; proximity.
    3. a deservingly earned status, social rank; prestige.
    4. a being able; power to do (something physical or mental); ability.
    5. the fact of controlling others; control; charge; custody.
    6. the fact or quality of being possible; possibility.
    7. firm belief; trust; confidence.
    8. a fight, esp. of a large scale one; a battle; a war.
    9. a large open area for fighting an enemy; a battle-field.
  19. ಅಳವು

    ♪ aḷavu
    1. the ability or qualifications (for or to do, something); skill, expertness or talent one has; the practical ability; competence; strength, stamina or vigour required for carrying out an act.
    2. that which is possible; possibility.
    3. the extent, measure or limit.
    4. the condition of being very near; nearness; proximity.
    5. the quality of being wise; power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action, based on knowledge, experience, understanding, etc.; wisdom.
  20. ಅಲಾವಿ ಕುಣಿತ

    ♪ alāvi kuṇita
    1. a dancing round a pit or depression in the ground filled with burning coal, during the Muslim festival 'Muharrum'.