1. ಅರುಸೆ

    ♪ aruse
    1. a painful swelling of a vein in the region of the anus, often with bleeding; haemorrhoids; piles.
  2. ಆರ್

    ♪ ār
    1. the tree Baringtonia acutangula of Lecidaceae family.
  3. ಆರ

    ♪ āra
    1. a sharp edged weapon as a knife or sword.
    2. a pointed instrument for boring or cutting leather; a shoe-maker's scissors.
  4. ಆರ್

    ♪ ār
    1. to be or get satisfied; to get satiated.
    2. to be filled; to become full.
  5. ಅರ

    ♪ ara
    1. the act or fact of moving; a going.
    2. the act or state of moving rapidly; swiftness; quick motion; speed.
    3. any of the braces or bars extending between the hub and the rim of a wheel; a spoke.
    4. the sharp, circular blade of a disk, used as a weapon.
    5. the shape made by two straight lines meeting at a common point, the vertex or by two planes meeting along an edge ; an angle.
    6. the measure of this space, expressed in degrees.
    7. (Jain.) a duration of time.
    8. (Jain.) the eighteenth of twenty-four spiritual teachers.
    9. (dial.) a small circular plate (of about three inch diameter) adjusted to the pivot of a hand-driven flour mill, to get coarser flour.
  6. ಆರ್

    ♪ ār
    1. a plough yoked to a pair of oxen.
    2. a yoke-like wooden piece used in taming oxen.
  7. ಆರ್

    ♪ ār
    1. to utter a loud, deep, rumbling sound, as a lion or a person in excitement, pain, anger, etc.; to roar.
  8. ಅರ

    ♪ ara
    1. cosmic order or law, including the natural and moral principles that apply to all beings and things; dutiful observance of this law in one's life; right conduct; dharma.
    2. Yama, the divine law-giver.
  9. ಅರ

    ♪ ara
    1. a prolonged period of dry weather; lack of rain; drought.
  10. ಅರಸ

    ♪ arasa
    1. a male ruler of a nation or state usually called a kingdom; male sovereign, limited or absolute; a monarch; a king.
    2. a respectable, elderly man.
    3. a man in relation to his wife; a husband.
    4. ಅರಸನ ಅಂಕೆಯಿಲ್ಲ, ದೈವದ (ದಯ್ಯದ) ಕಾಟವಿಲ್ಲ arasana aŋkeyilla, daivada(dayyada) kāṭavilla (prov.) the state of being absolutely free or unrestrained; ಅರಸ ಆರು ಮೊಳ, ಬಂಟ ಎಂಟು ಮೊಳ arasu āru moḷa, baṇṭa eṇṭu moḷa (prov.) often lower officers tend to wield more powers than their superior; ಅರಸನ ಮಾನ ಅರಸನಿಗೆ, ಅಗಸನ ಮಾನ ಅಗಸನಿಗೆ arasana māna arasanige, agasana māna agasanige (prov.) for each person his/her prestige is important and one need not sell one's self-pride to save another's; ಅರಸರ ಕರಗಸ arasara karagasa a title 'he who cuts rival kings into pieces'; ಅರಸರ ಕಾಣಿಕೆ arasara kāṇike a tax levied by the king; ಅರಸನ ಕಂಡಹಾಗಾಯಿತು. ಬಿಟ್ಟಿಮಾಡಿದ ಹಾಗೂ ಆಯಿತು arasana kaṇḍahāgāyitu, biṭṭimāḍida hāgū āyitu (prov.) to kill two birds with one stone; ಅರಸನ ಕುದುರ ಲಾಯದಲ್ಲೆ ಮುಪ್ಪಾಯಿತು arasana kudure lāyadalle muppāyitu (prov.) the best medals lose their lustre unless brightened by use.
  11. ಅರಸ

    ♪ arasa
    1. having no water, dampness or moisture; not having essential fluid; sapless.
    2. wanting sentiment; lacking spirit or interest; boring; dull.
  12. ಅರಸ

    ♪ arasa
    1. one who cannot, does not have the tendency to, enjoy the poetical, musical or aesthetic sentiments.
  13. ಅರ

    ♪ ara
    1. a steel tool with a rough, ridged surface for smoothing, grinding down; a file.
  14. ಅರ

    ♪ ara
    1. (in compound words) a king.
  15. ಆರ್

    ♪ ār
    1. to be able to; to be capable of.
  16. ಅರ

    ♪ ara
    1. either of the two equal (or approx. equal) parts of something; a half.
    2. a part of a whole; a portion.
  17. ಅರಾಸ

    ♪ arāsa
    1. a male ruler of a nation or state usually called a kingdom; a male sovereign, limited or absolute; a monarch; a king.
    2. a respectable, elderly man.
  18. ಅರಾಸ

    ♪ arāsa
    1. an unpleasant feeling caused by impending defeat, danger, pain, disgrace, loss, etc.; fear.
    2. (dial.) the total of what one remembers; remembrance; memory; recollection.
  19. ಅರ

    ♪ ara
    1. to become thoroughly dry; to be dried up; to lose moisture; to be parched.
  20. ಆರ್

    ♪ ār
    1. what or which person or persons.
    2. a or the person or persons (used in relative clauses) .