1. ಅರುಪು

    ♪ arupu
    1. to communicate knowledge to, to tell (of or about); to disclose facts about someone or something; to make another know.
  2. ಅರಪು

    ♪ arapu
    1. drought - a) a prolonged period of dry weather; lack of rain; b) a prolonged or serious shortage or deficiency, esp. of food.
  3. ಅರಪು

    ♪ arapu
    1. = ಅರಪುಕನ್ನೆ.
  4. ಅರಪ್ಪು

    ♪ arapu
    1. (dial.) that which is ground into paste, esp. coconut, chillies, etc.
  5. ಅರಿಪು

    ♪ aripu
    1. to communicate knowledge to, to tell (of, about); to disclose facts about someone; to make another know.
  6. ಅರಿಪೂ

    ♪ aripū
    1. a hedge plant, Lantana camara, of verbenaceae family; yellow lantana.
  7. ಅರುಪಿಸು

    ♪ arupisu
    1. to offer for acceptance; to tender.
    2. to dedicate; to address or inscribe (a book, an act etc.) to someone as a mark of honour or affection.
    3. to symbolically offer food, flowers, etc. to a deity.
  8. ಅರೂಪ

    ♪ arūpa
    1. having no shape or form; formless; shapeless.
  9. ಅರೆಪ

    ♪ arepa
    1. the act of grinding, pulverising.
  10. ಅರ್ಪಿಸು

    ♪ arpisu
    1. to offer for acceptance; to tender.
    2. to dedicate; to address or inscribe (a book, an act etc.) to someone as a mark of honour or affection.
    3. to symbolically offer food, flowers, etc. to a deity.
  11. ಅರ್ಪು

    ♪ arpu
    1. (dial.) to blow (heavily); to thrash.
  12. ಆರ್ಪು

    ♪ ārpu
    1. a loud, deep, rumbling sound, as of a lion; roar.
  13. ಆರೋಪ

    ♪ ārōpa
    1. an attributing the nature or property of one thing to the another.
    2. a charge; accusation, formally written or oral charging one with the commission of a crime.
    3. an act of attacking; an inroad; invasion.
  14. ಆರೋಪಿ

    ♪ ārōpi
    1. a person who is charged with imputation; an accused.
  15. ಆರೋಪಿಸು

    ♪ ārōpisu
    1. to bring formal charges against (of doing wrong, breaking the law, etc.); to accuse; to charge.
  16. ಆರ್ಪು

    ♪ ārpu
    1. bravery; prowess; valour; might.
    2. the quality of being intense; esp. a) extreme degree of anything; b) great energy or vehemence of emotion, thought or activity; intensity; impetuousness.
    3. the state, quality or habit of being kind; kindness.
  17. ಅಱಿಪು

    ♪ aṛipu
    1. to give knowledge of something to; to make other know; to convey the information; to inform; to teach; to reveal; to disclose.
  18. ಅಱುಪು

    ♪ aṛupu
    1. to give knowledge of something to; to make other know; to convey the information; to inform; to teach; to reveal; to disclose.
  19. ಅಱಿಪ

    ♪ aṛipa
    1. the act, fact or state of knowing; awareness of fact.
    2. an earnest request; a petition; a prayer; a supplication.
  20. ಆರೋಪ ಪಟ್ಟಿ

    ♪ ārōpa paṭṭi
    1. a formal list of charges, usu. written, made against a person (usu. submitted to a magistrate or other legal officer for enquiring and taking action against; a charge sheet.