1. ಅರುದು

    ♪ arudu
    1. the feeling of surprise, admiration, and awe aroused by something strange, unexpected, incredible, etc.; a wonder.
  2. ಅರ್ಧ

    ♪ ardha
    1. half - a) being either of the two equal parts; b) being about a half of the amount, length, etc; c) incomplete; fragmentary; partial.
    2. ಅರ್ಧಜೀವಮಾಡು ardhajīva māḍu to seriously injure; to beat severely; to completely exhaust; to make another half-dead; ಅರ್ಧಜೀವವಾಗು ardhajīvavāgu to become completely exhausted or wasted.
  3. ಅರ್ಧ

    ♪ ardha
    1. half - a) either of the two equal parts of something; b) either of two approx. equal parts.
  4. ಆರತ

    ♪ ārata
    1. great suffering, as from worry, grief or pain; mental agony.
  5. ಆರತ

    ♪ ārata
    1. mild; amicable; friendly.
    2. engaged in; interested or absorbed in.
  6. ಅರದ

    ♪ arada
    1. he who has no tooth; teethless man.
  7. ಅರತ

    ♪ arata
    1. having a grievance; offended; aggrieved; suffered.
  8. ಆರ್ತ

    ♪ ārta
    1. afflicted with; struck by; suffering from.
    2. being sick; diseased.
  9. ಆರ್ತ

    ♪ ārta
    1. = ಆರ್ತಧ್ಯಾನ.
    2. an afflicted, distressed man.
    3. a sick man.
    4. a man who has a or some desires.
    5. the state of being distressed; pain, suffering, discomfort, etc.; distress; affliction.
    6. a desire; a wish.
  10. ಆರ್ತ

    ♪ ārta
    1. an able man; a competent man.
  11. ಅರತ

    ♪ arata
    1. a man who has no interest, favourable feeling or personal involvement.
  12. ಅರ್ಥ

    ♪ artha
    1. that which is meant; significance; import; meaning.
    2. that to which an action or feeling is directed; an aim, end, ultimate purpose; an object.
    3. some inner drive, impulse, intention, etc. that causes a person to do something or act in a certain way.
    4. wealth; riches; property; money.
    5. a thing demanded; a demand.
    6. the mode in which anything is done or happens; manner.
    7. employment in or application to a purpose; use.
    8. that which is adduced to support or justify or serves as a ground or motive for an act, opinion etc.
    9. anything presented to the senses or the mind, esp. anything visible or tangible; an object.
    10. physical or mental effort exerted to do or make something; purposeful activity; labour; toil.
    11. the shape, outline or configuration of anything; structure as apart from colour, material, etc.
    12. aid; encouragement: comfort.
    13. a result, effect or consequence.
    14. the economic or the 'useful' good regarded as a value in life.
  13. ಅರತ

    ♪ arata
    1. the act of grinding.
    2. (dial.) (fig.) a sharp or acute pain in the body.
  14. ಅರದ

    ♪ arada
    1. a horse-drawn, two-wheeled cart used in ancient times for war, racing, parades, etc. or a light, four-wheeled carriage, used for pleasure or on some state occasions; a chariot.
  15. ಅರತ

    ♪ arata
    1. having enough power, skill, etc. to do something; having much mental power; able.
  16. ಆರ್ತಿ

    ♪ ārti
    1. a reddish first magnitude star in Orion's shoulder.
    2. the rains during the period of this star.
  17. ಆರ್ತಿ

    ♪ ārti
    1. very great mental or physical pain; the state of being distressed; pain, suffering, discomfort, etc.
    2. anything that distresses; agony; distress; affliction.
    3. the state or fact of being low in condition, rank, position. etc.
    4. the end of a bow.
    5. want of health; sickness; disease.
    6. a strong liking to have, possess, enjoy, etc.; desire.
    7. the state of being destroyed; ruin; destruction.
  18. ಆರ್ತು

    ♪ ārtu
    1. whose; of whom.
  19. ಆರ್ತು

    ♪ ārtu
    1. ability, competence - a) a being able; power to do (something physical or mental); b) skill, expertness or talent required for that.
  20. ಆರ್ತೆ

    ♪ ārte
    1. a woman in distress or affliction.