1. ಅರುಣ

    ♪ aruṇa
    1. the colour of the dawn or morning twilight.
    2. the reddish brown, tawny or red colour.
    3. (myth.) name of the charioteer of the Sun God.
    4. the sun.
    5. a ray of light.
    6. a variety in leprosy characterised by red spots and insensibility.
    7. the tree Calophyllum inophyllum of Guttifereae family.
    8. name of a mountain, situated to the west of Kailāsa mountain in the Himalayan belt.
    9. a light, fine, stringlike length of material made up of two or more fibers or strands of spun cotton, flax, silk, etc. twisted together and used in sewing; a thread.
    10. a river rising in Goṇḍavana and joining the river Gangā near Pāṭna in north India (also called Śoṇa).
    11. powdery earth or other matter in bits fine enough to be easily suspended in air; dust.
    12. gold.
    13. a kind of little poisonous creature.
    14. the red metal, copper.
    15. one of the Upaniṣats, the sacred scriptures of Hindūs.
    16. (Jain.) a class among the demigods.
  2. ಅರಣ

    ♪ araṇa
    1. the cow-dung.
  3. ಅರ್ಣ

    ♪ arṇa
    1. a flowing water; a current; a flow of water.
    2. a symbol employed to represent a speech sound or sounds; a character in an alphabet; a letter.
    3. a large Indian tree Tectona grandis of the Verbena family, with white flowers and hard, yellowish-brown wood used for shipbuilding, furniture, etc.; teak.
    4. (pros.) a meter, in which each of the four feet, has two groups, each having three short syllables (uuu) and eight groups, each having one long syllable followed by one short and another long syllables (-u-).
  4. ಆರಣ

    ♪ āraṇa
    1. a division in the Vēdas.
    2. (Jain.) one of the sixteen heavens.
  5. ಆರಣ

    ♪ āraṇa
    1. six haṇas (an old Indian currency coin).
  6. ಅರಣ

    ♪ araṇa
    1. a marriage gift.
  7. ಅರುಣೆ

    ♪ aruṇe
    1. the medicinal plant Aconitum heterophyllum of Ranunculaceae family.
    2. the substance obtained from this plant, for medicinal purpose.
    3. the creeper Rubia cordifolia, of Rubiaceae family.
    4. the plant Citrullus colocynthis of Cucurbitaceae family.
    5. the plant Abrus precatorius of Papilionaceae family; crab's eye; wild liquorice.
  8. ಆರಣ ಅಡ್ಡ

    ♪ āraṇa aḍḍa
    1. six and a half haṇas (an old Indian currency coin).
  9. ಆರಣಿ

    ♪ āraṇi
    1. = ಆರಣ1 - 2.
  10. ಅರಣಿ

    ♪ araṇi
    1. the seed-producing structure of an angiosperm, with the leaf-like sepals, colourful petals, and pollen-bearing stamens unfolding around the pistils; a flower.
  11. ಅರಣಿ

    ♪ araṇi
    1. a piece of wood (of Śami = Ficus religiosa) used for kindling the sacred fire for a sacrifice by attrition; the fire-producing wooden stick.
    2. the tree Ficus religiosa of Moraceae family, itself; peepul tree.
  12. ಅರಣೆ

    ♪ araṇe
    1. a member of the Lacertilia, having four legs, green body, moveable eyelids; lacerta interpunctula.
    2. (rarely, dial.) a member of the Chamaeleontudae family, with an angular head, prehensile tail, eyes that move independently of each other, the ability to change skin colour rapidly, and a long, agile tongue for catching prey; Lacerta cristata; chameleon.
    3. ಅರಣೆ ಕಡಿದರೆ ಬರಣಿ ಮದ್ದು ಸಾಲದು araṇe kaḍidare baraṇi maddu sāladu (prov.) the lacerta interpunctula's bite is highly poisonous and local medicine cannot be the right antidote (proverb coined by mistaking this to be poisonous); ಅರಣೆ ಮೆಟ್ಟಿದರೆ ಧರಣಿ ನಾಶ araṇe meṭṭidare dharaṇi nāśa (prov.) the lacerta interpunctula is a highly dangerous animal (proverb coined by mistaking this to be poisonous).
  13. ಅರಿಣೆ

    ♪ ariṇe
    1. a decorated pot worshipped in marriages.
    2. a worshipping of such a pot.
  14. ಅರುಣಿ

    ♪ aruṇi
    1. a defence wall; a wall as a protection.