1. ಅರುಚಿ

    ♪ aruci
    1. lack of taste; tastelessness.
    2. want of appetite.
    3. dislike; disrelish.
    4. a sickening distaste or dislike; deep aversion; repugnance; disgust.
    5. lack of brightness; dullness.
    6. absence of interest.
  2. ಅರಚು

    ♪ aracu
    1. to utter or express in a shout; to utter a shrill, loud, piercing cry in fright, pain, etc; to scream.
  3. ಅರಚು

    ♪ aracu
    1. to move something with pressure along the surface of something else; to rub.
  4. ಅರೋಚಿ

    ♪ arōci
    1. a man having or showing good judgment; a sagacious, prudent or wise person.
  5. ಅರ್ಚಿ

    ♪ arci
    1. a mass or stream of vapour or gas in a state of combustion, seen as a flickering light of various colours; flame.
    2. brightness; radiance; brilliance; lustre.
    3. a ray of light.
  6. ಅರ್ಚಿ

    ♪ arci
    1. (dial.) an eye disease in which the crystalline lens or its capsule becomes opaque, causing partial or total blindness; cataract.
  7. ಅರ್ಚಿಸು

    ♪ arcisu
    1. to worship - a) to pay divine honours to; b) to perform religious service to; c) to reverence with supreme respect and admiration.
  8. ಅರ್ಚು

    ♪ arcu
    1. (dial.) to pound to small pieces; to pulverise.
  9. ಅರ್ಚೆ

    ♪ arce
    1. worshipping - a) the act of paying divine honour to God or some other deity, esp. in religious services; b) the rites or ceremonies associated with this.
    2. an image, esp. one worshipped as a god; an idol.
  10. ಅಱಚು

    ♪ aṛacu
    1. to utter in a shout; to shout.
    2. to express anger in a shout.
  11. ಅಱಿಚು

    ♪ aṛicu
    1. to utter in a shout; to shout.
    2. to express anger in a shout.
  12. ಅಱುಚು

    ♪ aṛucu
    1. to utter a shout; to cry out loudly.