1. ಅರಿಷ್ಟ

    ♪ ariṣṭa
    1. absence of difficulty, impediment.
    2. good fortune; favourable situation.
    3. bad or ill luck; an extreme misfortune bringing loss, sorrow; a calamity.
    4. a portentous phenomenon foreboding misfortune; an unlucky omen.
    5. a symptom of approaching death.
    6. the largest crow (Corvus corax), with a sharp beak, found in Asia; a raven.
    7. the liquid left after churning butter from milk; buttermilk.
    8. the tree Azardirachta indica of Meliaceae family, whose trunk exudes a tenacious gum and has a bitter bark used for medicinal purpose; neem.
    9. the tree Sapindus emarginates of Sapindaceae family; the soapnut tree.
    10. its nuts.
    11. a bulbous herb (Allium sativum) of the lily family and its stong smelling bulb used as a seasoning in meats, salads, etc.; garlic.
    12. a hostile person; an enemy.
    13. a lying-in-chamber; a delivery-room; a room for confinement in childbirth.
    14. (masc.) a person having tendency to commit crimes; an evil or wicked person; scoundrel.
    15. (Jan.) a class of demi-gods.
    16. (Jain.) a kind of precious gem.
    17. an extract produced by decocting; a decoction, sometimes added with sugar, honey, jaggery etc. for medicinal purposes.
    18. a spirituous liquor.
    19. name of a hell.
  2. ಅರಿಷ್ಟೆ

    ♪ ariṣṭe
    1. name of a hell.
    2. an inauspicious woman who brings bad luck.