1. ಅರಡಿ

    ♪ araḍi
    1. to know; to have practical knowledge.
  2. ಅರಟಿ

    ♪ araṭi
    1. (dial.) a thick, sticky paste made of the jowar (Sorghum vulgare) flour, lime and jaggery, which is used to block the holes in water vessels.
  3. ಆರಡಿ

    ♪ āraḍi
    1. the act of plundering (esp. during wartime).
    2. very great mental or physical pain; agony.
    3. the bitter attitude or feelings of an enemy or of mutual enemies; hostility; antagonism; enmity.
  4. ಆರಟಿ

    ♪ āraṭa
    1. = ಆರಟ.
  5. ಆರಡಿ

    ♪ āraḍi
    1. any of broad-bodied, four-winged, six-footed, hairy hymenopteran insects which belong to a large super family Apoidea, which gather pollen and nectar, have biting as well as sucking mouthparts, and often live in organised colonies.
    2. (vīr.) (pl.) the six stages in the path of realisation of Śiva.
  6. ಆರಾಟ

    ♪ ārāṭa
    1. a playing in water; water-sport.
    2. (dial.) the ceremony of immersing the idol of a deity in water.
  7. ಆರಟ

    ♪ āraṭa
    1. the act of robbing a person or a place by force; plunder.
    2. goods taken by robbing; plunders.
  8. ಆರಾಟ

    ♪ ārāṭa
    1. loud or confused shouting; din of voices; clamour; noise.
  9. ಅರೋಡು

    ♪ arōḍu
    1. the condition of being in a shabby, neglected condition; dilapidation.
  10. ಆಱಾಟ

    ♪ āṛāṭa
    1. the act of uttering a shrill, piercing cry in pain.
    2. the act of uttering or shouting loudly or vehemently; vociferation; an outcry; bellow; bawl.
  11. ಆರಟ್ಟ

    ♪ āraṭṭa
    1. a country to the north-west of Punjab, known for horses of good breed.
    2. a horse of that country.
  12. ಆಱಾಟ

    ♪ āṛāṭa
    1. a playing in water; water-sport.
  13. ಅರಟು

    ♪ araṭu
    1. the tree Ailanthus excels ( = Callosities indica, = Bignonia indica) of Simaroubaceae family.
  14. ಆರಿಡು

    ♪ āriḍu
    1. to utter a loud, deep, rumbling sound, as from pain, anger, etc.;
  15. ಆರೂಢ

    ♪ ārūḍha
    1. mounted on; climbed.
    2. got; obtained.
    3. undertaken; ventured.
  16. ಆರೂಢ

    ♪ ārūḍha
    1. (phil.) one who has realised the self-knowledge; a mystic.
    2. the art of domesticating the wild animals like elephant, horse etc. for human use.
  17. ಆರೂಢೆ

    ♪ ārūḍhe
    1. a woman who has mounted on.
    2. an accomplished mystic woman.
  18. ಆಱಟ

    ♪ āṛaṭa
    1. = ಆಱಾಟ2.
  19. ಅರಟು

    ♪ araṭu
    1. a loud, deep, rumbling sound, as of a lion.
  20. ಅರಟೆ

    ♪ araṭe
    1. a small fixed wheel, sometimes turning in a block, with a grooved rim in which a rope or chain runs, as to raise a weight attached at one end by pulling on the other end.